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Why are farmers protesting in Europe and the peculiarity of the Italian case

The images of a ravaged Place de Luxembourg, the elegant esplanade in front of the European Parliament building in Brussels, are already the symbol of the new wave of protests by the European f...

World Wetlands Day, the forgotten link to human well-being

The 2nd of February marks World Wetlands Day, in other words, lagoons, bogs, ponds, and lakes. Cradles of often endangered biodiversity covering only 6% of the Earth's surface, and yet these ecosyst...

Acque Bresciane: 1,500 Trees to Protect Peatland Biodiversity

On the 7th of October, an unusual scene played out on a marshland reserve in Northern Italy, on the banks of Lake Iseo in the foothills of the Alps. A team from Acque Bresciane – the util...

Startup, recycling polycotton and polyester fabrics with Circ

US company Circ, one of the finalists of the 2023 Earthshot Prize, has developed an innovative method to recycle polycotton through a technology that transforms fabrics back into the raw materi...

Rethinking Tourism Carbon Credits with the Help of AI

The carbon market sector is still, to this day, not sufficiently transparent. To offset one's carbon emissions, which are still roughly calculated, people buy credits whose real environmental impact...

Climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development: the key international meetings during 2024

2024 will be a key year for green finance, for the green transition, for advancing the UN Montreal-Kunming Agreement on Biodiversity, for strengthening multilateralism on sustainable development beg...

Used Oils: CONOU's Winning Model

Approximately 40 years ago, CONOU – Italy’s National Consortium of Waste Oils – became the first to inaugurate an applied extended producer responsibility scheme to collect and reg...

Circularity Gap Report 2024, a roadmap to lead the world towards the circular economy

Everyone is talking about it, but few actually practice it: while the circular economy is now a megatrend (considering the number of articles, reports and debates on the topic increased threefold in...

Startup, cutting-edge Reforestation Technology with Land Life Company

Land Life Company is a reforestation company that plants trees on a large scale, deploying innovative technologies and offering businesses a sustainable and transparent way to offset carbon emission...

The "sustainable" bioplastic that pollutes Bangkok's air

This is the first article of the three-part series Bioplastic: green innovation or another plastic problem? an international investigation jointly published by Renewable Matter ‒ along with Eu Obs...

Cobat Tessile, a Cross-cutting Approach to EPR

Cobat Tessile is an Italian voluntary association for the collection, treatment and recovery of end-of-life textile products. Established in 2022 by Cobat – the largest circular economy platfo...

Circular economy, rethinking the built environment in the digital age

The list of digital innovations that can be applied to the construction sector, one of the most impactful on the environment, is long and varied. Digital twins, artificial intelligence, materials pa...

Startup, Ecococon: Straw and Wood Panels from Slovakia

“We are revolutionising the construction sector by providing a building system that is climate neutral, healthy, effective and designed to be safely returned to nature after use,” says E...

Satellites Watch Over Us from Above

On November 3, 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Karnali province in western Nepal. Immediately after receiving the news, the Nepalese Ministry of Home Affairs asked Sentinel Asia to send...

Calculating and Powers: Interview with Kate Crawford

Neither artificial nor particularly intelligent. That's AI according to Kate Crawford. An eclectic researcher who divides her time between Annenberg University of California, Sydney University,...

Two Intelligences

“We are seeing growing evidence that artificial intelligence can prove to be an invaluable tool in the fight against climate change. We need to harness its potential and empower innovator...

Circular Economy: A Concept at a Crossroad

Despite the initial enthusiasm and efforts to transition towards circular models, recent data reveal a concerning decline in the global circularity rate. From 9.1% in 2018, the circularity rate...

Startup, Bike Club: bicycles for children that change as they grow

Bike Club is revolutionizing the children's (but also adults') bicycle industry by providing families with the opportunity to subscribe online to new or refurbished bicycles and scooters and to...

Renewable Matter goes bimonthly

We begin the year 2024 with great news: Renewable Matter becomes bimonthly. Six issues a year for more comprehensive and even more articulate reporting. From the circular economy of territorie...

Waste Management Europe 2024 will be held in Bergamo

Waste Management Europe is a reference event in the trade fair panorama linked to the theme of Circular Economy which brings together political decision-makers, global organizations and innovative s...