
What is the ‘empty forest syndrome’ and why it should concern us

What is the ‘empty forest syndrome’ and why it should concern us

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in inglese The loss of wildlife diversity and ecosystem fragmentation have triggered the phenomenon known as t...

The Future is Public Transport

The Future is Public Transport

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano I am often asked: what does the city of the future look like? If we succeed in overcoming the clim...

Gate 15

Gate 15

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Ever since the beginning of time, humans have travelled, harnessing animals and carving logs, buil...

Biodiversity and Health: A Vital Alliance for Our Future

Biodiversity and Health: A Vital Alliance for Our Future

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Nature is fundamental to the health of people and communities. But when the word “biodiversi...

Corporate renewable procurement: greenwashing or key driver of the EU’s clean industrial deal?

Corporate renewable procurement: greenwashing or key driver of the EU’s clean industrial deal?

In 2023, the amount of renewable energy purchased by businesses and corporations in Europe grew by over 52%, reaching 20 GWs. However, several academic papers like Bjorn, A. et al. (2022) have ...

Climate-Biodiversity-Water Nexus: the protection of ecosystem services in South America

Climate-Biodiversity-Water Nexus: the protection of ecosystem services in South America

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano In recent years, major and historical-record wildfires have devastated regions worldwide, includin...

Decarbonization is not enough: energy efficiency is the key to true progress

Decarbonization is not enough: energy efficiency is the key to true progress

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Decarbonising our energy supply through renewable sources of energy is absolutely key. But if the ...

Indigenous lands are key to conserving biodiversity and mitigating climate change

Indigenous lands are key to conserving biodiversity and mitigating climate change

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation have become priorities on the global agend...

Water is no longer business as usual

Water is no longer business as usual

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano We have entered an era of fierce global competition. To access energy. To access raw materials. To...

Bio-based Polymers worldwide: Status and Outlook

Bio-based Polymers worldwide: Status and Outlook

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano As the New Year begins, let's take a closer look at the current state of bio-based polymers. We lo...

Why We Must Proceed Cautiously in the Bio-based Material Transition

Why We Must Proceed Cautiously in the Bio-based Material Transition

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano A few years ago, I remember reading about houses on a Danish island thatched with thick layers of ...



This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano By 2060, world resource extraction will reach an astronomical 160 billion tonnes per year. A figur...

2025: The Transition Continues

2025: The Transition Continues

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Trade wars with China, an assault on the European Green Deal, the future of UN Earth negotiations,...

Waste not, want not: turning food waste into fertile soil for sustainable growth

Waste not, want not: turning food waste into fertile soil for sustainable growth

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano In Catalonia there are 7.7 million residents and approximately 7.9 million pigs. That’s over...

The Labour Party’s Key Climate and Environmental Policies

The Labour Party’s Key Climate and Environmental Policies

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano The climate crisis is worsening week by week, yet the measures countries around the world are taki...

An inconvenient Mediterranean truth: Rising tides and sinking futures

An inconvenient Mediterranean truth: Rising tides and sinking futures

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano The word “Mediterranean” evokes images of idyllic sun-soaked beaches and waters of var...



This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in inglese How could we trump almost 4 billion years of research and development? Since the appearance of the ...

Ethics for a clean, good and fair digital environment: Sloweb

Ethics for a clean, good and fair digital environment: Sloweb

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Much of what we read in the digital media concerns Artificial Intelligence, the relationship betwe...

Advancing Malaysia’s Green Growth through Circular Economy

Advancing Malaysia’s Green Growth through Circular Economy

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano In recent months, several countries in Asia experienced massive typhoon, flash flood, and extreme ...

Rebound effect: an invisible brake on circular sustainability

Rebound effect: an invisible brake on circular sustainability

European measures for the circular transition seem to be struggling to take root: over 87% of resource consumption in the European Union continues to rely on virgin raw materials. In line with the r...
