
Lanza (FEEM): “Mitigation and adaptation are key to the next EU Commission”

What impact will the new Parliament and EU Commission have on the Green Deal? This is the question that companies, finance, and analysts have been asking themselves for days, amidst the tense politi...

Green, equitable and inclusive: rethinking the urban future

How can we balance environmental awareness, growth and equity? How should we combine climate adaptation, sustainable city building and social justice? How should we rethink streets, neighborhoods, a...

Startup: textile circularity and social inclusion with United Repair Centre

United Repair Centre (URC) offers an alternative to purchasing new clothes by providing repair services for brands. Established as a social enterprise, URC is a cross-sector collaboration invol...

The future of the chemical industry, plastics and recycling at the Renewable Materials Conference

From June 10-12, the Renewable Materials Conference (RMC) brought together chemical supply chain stakeholders in Siegburg, Germany, working to devise materials and technologies for a future beyond f...

A report of the Bonn interim negotiations

In the evening of Thursday, June 13, the preparatory work of SB60 came to a close and, in the general discontent hovering at the World Convention Center in Bonn immediately following the close of th...

The Renewable Materials Conference 2024 kicks off between talks of carbon, CO₂ and CCU

The Renewable Materials Conference kicked off on Tuesday, June 11, in Siegburg, Germany. It’s the world's largest conference on biomass-based chemicals and materials, CCU or chemical recycling...

Critical minerals, are volcanoes the mines of the future?

Soufrière Hills is a 1,467-metre volcano that dominates the Caribbean Island of Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles archipelago. Following a series of devastating eruptions between 1995 and 199...

European elections, what will happen to the Green Deal?

“This is Europe’s man-on-the-moon moment.” This is how European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen presented the Green Deal, a plan of policies and laws aimed at reduci...

Renewable, Circular Energy Thanks to Biomethane from Landfills

In countries with highly developed networks, such as the U.S.A., Italy, Japan, and Germany, it is best to promote the consumption of alternative fuels on existing networks in support of strong elect...

Startup, protecting forests and indigenous communities in the Andes with Acción Andina

The 7,000-kilometer-long Andes Mountains, which make up only 1% of the earth's surface, are home to a rich and diverse ecosystem. There are 15% of all plant and wildlife species, including more than...

Wang Yao: This is How China Finances Biodiversity

China is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. Its 960 million hectares of land include mountain ranges (such as the Himalayas) and plateaus, vast deserts and immense grasslands, boreal...

Carbonsink: We Need Sustainable Finance and Better Communication

According to the 2022 Financial Services Disclosure Report, greenhouse gas emissions linked to global financial institutions' investment, lending, and underwriting activities are approximately 750 t...

Circularity 24: once upon a time in America there was circular economy

From Chicago – After three intense days of work, the 2024 edition of Circularity ended on Friday, the 24th of May. This year, however, the story of the premier circular economy conference in t...

Bernabei, CEO Enel Green Power: 10 GW of renewables and stop coal by 2027

Enel Green Power continues its drive toward an increasingly renewable mix within the Enel Group, one of the world's leading electricity producers. Renewable energy sources now account for 68.6 perce...

Textile waste, the industry on alert: "Without aid, only incineration is left"

Unless adequate incentives and policies are put in place, companies that collect and sort used clothing risk collapse. This is the warning issued by EuRIC, the European association of recyclers...

Energise Europe: interview with Kadri Simson, EU Energy Commissioner

During her five years as Energy Commissioner in Brussels, Kadri Simson faced one of the most complex and decisive periods in European energy history. The feat of cutting off Russian gas supplies; fe...

Therme Group, rethinking tourism carbon credits with the help of AI

The carbon market sector today is still not sufficiently transparent. To offset its carbon emissions, still calculated through approximation, credits are bought whose true environmental impact is no...

Startup, compostable period products and diapers made from seaweed with Vyld

The Germany-based startup Vyld develops sustainable, ocean-friendly, and healthy absorbent products made from seaweed. As of today, Vyld's products are Kelpon, the world's first tampon made from sea...

A Roadmap for the Netherlands, European Leaders in Solar Energy

Some might consider it odd that a country certainly not renowned for being sunny has invested and believed so much in solar that it now ranks first in solar capacity per capita in the EU. After year...

The future of energy: interviews from RM50

The Think Tank section of issue 50 of Renewable Matter, focusing on Energy, is particularly rich and valuable. As always, we brought together for a virtual roundtable discussion some of the most aut...