
Introducing the new ISO standards for the circular economy

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is responsible worldwide for setting technical standards, has published, after a five-year effort, new international standards aimed a...

Global plastics treaty, the 4th negotiation ended amid stonewalling and misinformation

The fourth round of negotiations of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) for the development of an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution was held in Ott...

Rising emissions, over 80% produced by only 57 companies from 2015

From the Paris Agreement to the present, climate-changing emissions have continued to increase rather than decrease. Even those related to coal — the most polluting of fossil fuels, which is w...

Green ammonia and hydrogen storage, a partnership between NextChem Tech and Vallourec

NextChem Tech's proprietary technology dedicated to green ammonia will be integrated with Vallourec's Delphy technology for hydrogen storage. Disclosing the collaboration is an April 4, 2024 press r...

Fashion Crimes: 'Zara and H&M use cotton linked to violence and environmental devastation'

“Back in the days when we used to swim in the river we were afraid of alligators. Now it is difficult to find even a small geko." Marcos Rogério Beltrão dos Santos is a Brazilian...

Tomra separates food-grade plastic from non-food-grade plastic with deep learning

* from Koblenz   An intelligence capable of making decisions within milliseconds, based on information learned gradually over time, improving day by day the ability to distinguish a waste. Th...

Nature Restoration Law stalled again: Italy among opponents

It appeared that the Nature Restoration Law, a key piece of the Green Deal, was a done deal. Yet a minority of EU members, including Italy and Hungary, once again prevented the adoption of legi...

CSDDD, agreement reached on the sustainability due diligence of businesses

On March 15, ambassadors from European Union member states gathered at the COREPER Permanent Representatives Committee voted in favor of the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD)....

Water Resilience Initiative, institutional letter against the EU Commission's suspension

After being postponed in February, the European Commission has suspended the Water Resilience Initiative. Its submission has, in fact, been withdrawn from the agenda of the upcoming College of Commi...

Althesys: "With a bolder NECP Italians would save 25 billion in bills"

We already knew it: the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), is far from ambitious. Rather, it is ambiguous on many points, since it refers to " technological neutrality" regarding energy source...

EU, green light for the Nature Restoration Law and the Environmental Crime Directive

Action and deterrence, in one fell swoop. On the same day, February 27, 2024, the European Parliament passed two distinct historical measures for nature restoration and combating environmental ...

Key Energy: event schedule and dates of 2024 edition

KEY - The Energy Transition Expo, the most important European event dedicated to technologies, services, integrated solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy in Italy, Africa and Southern...

Renewable Matter joins general strike on Friday, Feb. 23 for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Editorial statement The editorial staff of Renewable Matter joins the nationwide general strike called for the entire day of Friday, Feb. 23, 2024, involving workers in the public and private ...

From Novamont Mater-Bi films for compostable trays and capsules, even at home

New Mater-Bi films for food trays and capsules are now also compostable at home. The news was announced by Novamont at the 2024 edition of Marca, a modern organized distribution (DMO) trade show, wh...

Cement from chemical recycling of inert granulate, Nextchem-Colacem agreement

In a bid to tackle the environmental impact of cement production and bolster circularity within the construction sector, Nextchem and Colacem have sealed a groundbreaking agreement. The collaboratio...

COP28, Declaration for sustainable agriculture and resilient food systems

A milestone in climate action, with the hope that global commitment swiftly translates into tangible measures: On Friday, December 1st, the COP28 Presidency announced the historic signing of a decla...

COP28 has established the Loss and Damage Fund

A few hours into the start of COP28 – albeit 30 years since small island states began advocating for its creation – the Loss and Damage Fund has been established and will be operational ...

Restoration Law: there is an agreement, but it is still far from what science requires

Late in the evening of Thursday, November 9, 2023, negotiators from the Parliament, Commission and Council reached a tentative political agreement on the European law on nature restoration. After a ...

Enel’s Circularity Strategy: ecodesign, reuse, recovery

Measure their own circularity and double it by 2030 by taking action through ecodesign, reuse, life extension, and asset and material recovery. These are the goals of Enel Group, which during t...

Kenya kicks off the first Africa Climate Summit

The first Africa Climate Summit kicks off on September 4. Summoned by the African Union and hosted by the Republic of Kenya in the capital, Nairobi, the summit aims to bring the continent's diplomat...