Emanuele Bompan

Emanuele Bompan, is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Renewable Matter. Together with Ilaria Brambilla he authored the book Che cos’è l’economia circolare (“What’s the circular economy”), Edizioni Ambiente, Milan 2016. He has been awarded Middlebury Fellowship for Environmental Journalism and four times winner of the IDR grant by the Eu Journalism Center.


Make America Circular

Minneapolis is a progressive city, rising from the gentle banks of the Mississippi river, in the Upper Midwestern state of Minnesota. For many years the city was famous for its skyways, enclosed foo...

WCEF19's Mission: Transform the Global Economy

The World Circular Economy Forum 2019 edition, third part of the Finland-born event, showed the “circular” world’s vitality and complexity. Established in 2017 by SITRA – the...


  Coupled with stark warnings issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report last October on the impact of 1.5C and 2C warming above pre-industrial levels, and the dev...

The Europe to Come

It is a fact. The circular economy has been a pillar of the outgoing EU Commission and Parliament. “The political power of this idea is obvious,” explains Frans Timmermans – Vice-P...

Europe on the Edge

Polls in early March told a story of ultra-nationalist, sovereigntist and even openly neo-fascist parties gathering widespread political support. From the Visegràd Group to Lega Nord in Italy...

Bio-on's Rapid Rise

  A new generation of high-performance biodegradable polyesters has arrived, made from sugar co-products or waste, derived from beetroot, potatoes, glycerol and extracts from fruit and veget...

Nà¸rrona: Outdoor Fashion Changes Clothes

For Jørgen Jørgensen, CEO of Nørrona, sustainability is a life goal. In the business world there is often talk of a “value proposition” to be made to customers throu...

Decarbonise Now

The Mauna Loa observatory, in Hawaii, has found the average concentration of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, to be above 410 parts per million (ppm), the highest level seen in the last 800,...

Carbon Smart Circular Economy

A carbon-proof circular economy? For Dr. Jennifer Holmgren this is not an impossible task. LanzaTech is working to create a large scale industrial Carbon Capture and Usage project (CCU). With two go...

Italian collectivesystems, an idea for the planet

Naturally, maps were kept hidden since they were one of the main instruments of power, the punishment for those who stole them was death; these object were precious and often a state secret. In the ...

A Strategy for the Environment

  Sergio Costa is the new Italian Minister of the Environment; he was nominated on the 1st of June of this year. He is considered one of the technical ministers of the 65th Italian governmen...

Capillary Circularity

Producing renewable energy automatically allows a company to be considered as a circular enterprise. What happens, however, when a large holding company in the energy sector, which has decided not t...

Battle to the Last Bottle: Canada vs Nestlé

Small blue and white houses, with picket fences freshly painted each season, their gardens filled with roses, birthroots and violets. Cars parked carefully in the driveways, beside manicured front l...

Marx Reloaded

For over a century, social activists and trade-unions have battled for new rights, including those of women, and have fought for changes such as the universalisation of paid holidays and minimum wag...

The Sustainable Future of Labour

  Complexity is key to analysing employment’s social, economic and environmental challenges. This is a pivotal statement in the research and studies by Enrico Giovannini – an eco...

A Global Affair

“Without a true valorisation of agricultural production coca cannot be stopped,” explains a local small-scale farmer called Nico, when interviewed. Even if this is an extreme example, th...

A Sea of Opportunities

Pollution, over-exploitation, illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, as well as climate change have become major threats to aquatic eco-systems. To unlock the potential of seas and oceans, ade...

Back to the Future, Rediscovering Traditional Knowledge to Win the Food Challenge

  What has food become? What does it mean for Western society to feed itself? What does the meat on the plate before us represent? What do we mean by food security? Questions that, even if s...

100 Resilient Cities

How can we implement a real circular economy without having cities geared for resilience against stress and shocks? This is a key area of reflection when discussing the future of cities and in parti...

The Age of Plastic

The media is full of Chris Jordan’s famous pictures of seagull carcasses with their stomachs full of bottle caps, tubes and other plastic paraphernalia. Documentaries denouncing the indecent...