Emanuele Bompan

Emanuele Bompan, is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Renewable Matter. Together with Ilaria Brambilla he authored the book Che cos’è l’economia circolare (“What’s the circular economy”), Edizioni Ambiente, Milan 2016. He has been awarded Middlebury Fellowship for Environmental Journalism and four times winner of the IDR grant by the Eu Journalism Center.


Climate racism is the absentee at COP28 negotiations

*from Dubai   Ecological transition, decarbonization, forest protection, carbon markets. For civil society, these key elements in the fight against climate change often have a double face. Wh...

Is capturing CO2  necessary for the climate or for fossil fuel companies?

Will COP28 be the showdown or the beginning of the payback for the oil&gas sector? With a record number of 2,456 accredited individuals associated with the oil&gas sector (among them, 34 fro...

Climate Finance and the Paris Agreement, how everything fits together

On Monday, December 4th, during COP28, a thematic day on climate finance took place to assess what is the current situation and, more importantly, which are the long-term prospects of a key mechanis...

Everything you need to know about COP28, spelled out by a veteran of climate negotiations

The Pope's COP28, the oilmen's COP28, the last COP to save the goal of 1.5° C, the COP of adaptation, the COP28 of failure and hope. There are many interpretations, almost divinatory, to be made...

If a Tree Falls

Over the course of my life, I have encountered exceptional trees: the giant sequoias and the secular General Sherman (2200 - 2700 years old) in California, the Lebanese cedars in the Beqaa valley, t...

What are the Italian Government's priorities for the circular economy? Interview with Vice Minister Vannia Gava

The Ministry of Environment and Energy Security will take part in the 26th edition of Ecomondo, a leading international event on green transition policies and solutions for the green and circular ec...

Full steam ahead for the EU Blue Deal

*from Brussels The European proposal for an EU Blue Deal picks up speed. On October 26, 2023, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), in a packed room at the Charlemagne Building in...

World Energy Outlook: global demand for coal, oil and gas will peak by 2030

Peak emissions from fossil fuels could be reached by 2025, with the contribution to global energy supply falling to 73 percent by 2030, after for decades it had been stuck well above 80 percent...

Italy can aspire to leadership in the Space Economy, but investment must happen now

The New Space Economy is a strategic sector that Italy must look to more attentively because it can offer precious opportunities across different production areas. From the use of satellite data to ...

The Importance of Responsibility

In economics, “negative environmental externalities” occur when someone is responsible for something negative (e.g. a farmer using toxic chemicals that spread into the environment) and d...

Worldcoin, groundbreaking currency or privacy risk?

The cryptocurrency Worldcoin, the digital currency created by Sam Altman, one of the founders of artificial intelligence giant ChatGPT, continues to create buzz. This week, the Kenyan governmen...

Ecuador, a referendum for the future

Leaving oil in the ground by popular demand. This is what Ecuadorians approved yesterday in a historic referendum to stop the development of all new oil wells in Yasuní National Park in the A...

Make Italy Green: Frank Meyer’s ESG vision

Energy communities, customer care, highly decarbonisation-focused business, and a clear plan: “Make Italy Green”. E.ON Italia CEO Frank Meyer is an optimistic visionary who is working ti...

The Ocean Inside

On the island of Inhaca, Mozambique, lies one of the most extraordinary observatories of ocean life I have visited as a journalist. Since 1951, the Estação de Biologia Marinha Eduardo ...

World Circular Economy Forum 2023: it's time to accelerate the transition

The transition towards a global circular economy is gaining more and more traction, but it’s not fast nor widespread enough yet. That’s what emerged from the first two days of the World ...

IPCC Synthesis Report Sends Urgent Message for Climate Politics

The most important document of the decade has been published. The official IPCC AR6 Synthesis Report went online at 14:00 on Monday, 20 March. It is the fourth volume of the sixth climate assessment...

Towards a Global Green Deal

The Ventotene Manifesto, penned by Altiero Spinelli and Ernesto Rossi, two of modern Europe’s founding fathers, and the Paneuropa document, written by Richard Nikolaus of Coudenhove-Kalergi, defin...

At the Heart of the Circular Economy

The EU Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference, the most important summit on the circular economy in Europe, has now reached its 6th edition. On 27 and 28 February, 500 policymakers, analysts, trade...

A new EU industrial plan for the net-zero age

This week, the European Commission published the Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age. This is the EU’s first move in response to US President Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction ...

Critical Moment

In the world of robotics and informatics, as well as in the world of the energy transition, the material factor is often ignored. We have imagined android armies, hypercomplex machinery, infinite so...