Emanuele Bompan

Emanuele Bompan, is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Renewable Matter. Together with Ilaria Brambilla he authored the book Che cos’è l’economia circolare (“What’s the circular economy”), Edizioni Ambiente, Milan 2016. He has been awarded Middlebury Fellowship for Environmental Journalism and four times winner of the IDR grant by the Eu Journalism Center.


Christa Schweng: the Union is Circular

Christa Schweng was elected President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on 28 October 2020 for a period of two and a half years, to run until March 2023. She has been an EESC memb...

Carlo Petrini and Franco Fassio: This is The Future of the Circular Economy for Food

If the agri-food industry wants to contribute to achieving SDGs it must embrace circularity, cut waste and value social and natural capital. It must also favour local scale while paying attention to...

Going Full Throttle with Biofuels

Along with the construction and manufacturing sectors, transport is still a top priority for decarbonisation strategies. According to the World Resource institute’s data for 2020, cars (including ...

The Geopolitics of Food. Interview with Tim Lang

Tim Lang favours the long view. You can’t look at the food system without using a complex, holistic approach. No one has a better outlook than the internationally renowned professor of Food Policy...

Circular Economy for Food: Value Connections Amongst Food, Humankind, and the Planet

Those dealing with macro scenarios know these numbers all too well: in 2050, in order to feed 9.1 billion people, food availability will have to increase by about 70% (benchmarked against 2005 basel...

Kelly Bricker: the Four Pillars of Sustainable Travel

When we pack our bags and explore new and captivating corners of the planet, do we ever take the time to consider our impact on local communities and the global ecosystem? More often than not touris...

Norway has a long way to become circular. Here is why

The Norwegian economy is only 2.4% circular. This is the latest Circularity Gap Report produced by, Circle Economy and Circular Norway. This is compared to a global average of 8.6%, 9.7% in Austria ...

Travelling Light. Will the New Tourism be Circular?

Canadian poet Anne Carson once said that “the only rule of travel is: don't come back as you left. Come back different”. Today, this idea could be applied to the concept of travel itself. Consum...

Regenerate, the tool that revolutionizes circular buildings

Embracing principles of the circular economy could bring a number of benefits to the built environment. Buildings are regularly stripped out and torn down, with new buildings frequently constructed ...

Reinventing the Fire. Again

It is a slow and beautiful drive up to Snowmass, Colorado. Cars drive at 20 miles per hour, due to icy roads. External temperature is -25°C, and everything looks pale white, like in the tale of the...

Circular Antivirus

We’re facing the greatest economic crisis in history. But the wise always know how to turn a difficult time into a moment of opportunity. This is the first time we have had such a chance to rethin...

Oil Recycling: Italy is an excellence in Europe, thanks to CONOU

CONOU has a long and interesting history. As a consortium, it has been operating since 1984. Its mission is to collect and recycle hazardous waste materials ranging from waste oil that comes from ca...

A Forest

The expression “sustainability” is strictly correlated with forests. The word came into use in 1713 when the chief mining official Hans Carl von Carlowitz, from Freiberg, Saxony, published the ...

Beyond the Lockdown

In the United States there are 36 million people already out of work. In Europe, by the end of May, 60 million could, be laid off or suffer a sharp reduction in salary. In the rest of the world over...

PrimaLoft: Responsibility of Materials

The outdoor apparel sector is in a full green revolution. Today it is impossible to be on the market without a circular and sustainable rethinking of materials and processes. A key player in the fie...

The Merchants of Doubt

Credit Kayana Szymczak 2020 will mark the tenth anniversary of the publication of Merchants of Doubt, a book that in Europe and the USA has had an impact due to its capacity to make us pond...

A New Focus for Canon

  The Japanese corporation Canon is striving to become a leading force in the circular economy. To ensure a more efficient use of limited resources and reduce waste, Canon is making products...

The Return to a Green-Thinking Italy

Within the first 100 days, Timmermans will have to present the first European law on climate. Additionally, he will have to follow the existing circular economy pathway, continuing the push for fina...

Make America Circular

Minneapolis is a progressive city, rising from the gentle banks of the Mississippi river, in the Upper Midwestern state of Minnesota. For many years the city was famous for its skyways, enclosed foo...

Here Comes Loop

“The key thesis statement is we can’t just recycle our way out of the garbage crisis.” Tom Szaky, TerraCycle’s CEO and co-founder, has a radical view of the circular economy: “We need foun...