Emanuele Bompan

Emanuele Bompan, is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Renewable Matter. Together with Ilaria Brambilla he authored the book Che cos’è l’economia circolare (“What’s the circular economy”), Edizioni Ambiente, Milan 2016. He has been awarded Middlebury Fellowship for Environmental Journalism and four times winner of the IDR grant by the Eu Journalism Center.


For a Circular Europe

  After years of delays, the European Parliament in Strasbourg has approved the Circular Economy (CE) Package. However, things have not yet come full circle. “The way for a new develop...

The American Way

What is the difference in the way Brussels and Washington D.C. see the circular economy? To get an answer one should have attended the Fourth Circular Economy Summit, organised by the powerful US Ch...

BusinessEurope, Circular Means Business

©BUSINESSEUROPE / Photo: Erik Luntang   “Business is fully on board with the circular economy revolution. Not only because it is good business to save resourc...

A New Renewable Matter

In fact, “economy” derives from oikosnomos (οἶκοςνÏ�μος), meaning the management of a hou...

Circular Europe

  How will the Circular Economy Package (CEP) impact Europe? This is the fundamental question everyone in the business is debating right now. In Brussels the glass seems to be half full for ...

Amsterdam, the Circular City

The city of Amsterdam has made a major step in the transition to become one of the world’s first circular cities. The goal? Minimize waste, innovate product-as-a-service business, boast new bu...

The Lazarus' Effect: The Second Life of Patagonia Clothes

  Product Life-Extension is an oft-talked pillar of the circular economy, many talk the talk, but less walk the walk. Patagonia, the famous outdoor fashion brand from Ventura, California, ha...

Stop Death (of Objects)

  If Ellen MacArthur is the dame of the circular economy, Walter R. Stahel (born June 5, 1946) can be well awarded the title of father of this economic model. Stahel has been influential in ...

Water vs. Coal. South Africa's Filthy War

Photography: Fausto Podavini Research: Marirosa Iannelli Top image: Witbank. In a coal mine a woman collects coal for personal use. Coal is the only resource for locals.    “Do y...

The Doughnut Age

  The greatest challenge for humanity in the 21st century is fulfilling all humanity’s needs, within the planetary boundaries. How can we ensure everybody the pursuit of happiness, end...

The Advent of Offsite Construction

There is a new and visionary way to conceive buildings bubbling up in Europe. Enough with costly and complex construction sites, managed with 20th century modalities and knowledge. The construction ...

The Man Who Rethinks Buildings

Victor Olgyay ©BompanEmanuele   Boulder, Colorado. Mountains half-surround this small city at the feet of the Rocky Mountains. Not far away shine the higher peaks, ...

Biofuels: The Aviation Industry Takes Off

According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), in 2014 air transport produced 715 million tons of CO2 (689 in 2012), about 2% of climate-change gases. Not a negligible share. There...

Circular Design: Matter Exits No Man's land

“Nature and its design are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for science and designers. Its shapes, materials and complexity offer great inspiration.” These were the words of Jani...

We Recyle Oil

In the circular economy one of the most controversial sticking points is the supply of material to recycle or regenerate. As William McDonough outlines in this issue of Renewable Matter, waste shou...

Tyres Galore

From a screeching noise to the muffled silence in a church. That of recycled tyres is a crucial parable, in the latest project by Ecopneus, a non profit company for ELTs (End-of-life tyres), made of...

The Resilience renaissance

  Few have applied integrated thinking and cross-disciplinary approach to environmental studies as Carl Folke. Author of 12 books and over 200 scientific papers, including 15 in Science and ...

Water Boundaries

Water is the best example of circularity in nature. Everybody remembers clearly the charts showing the water cycle on biology textbooks in high schools. Snow, rain, tributaries, lakes, seas, evapora...

Houses in Hot Pursuitof Cars

If 30 years ago a mid-range car would run at ten litres of petrol per 100 kilometres, today, a hybrid model only needs a little over three. That’s an incredible evolution for the transport se...

The Dame Who Sank the Linear Economy

  Energetic, discrete, influential, outspoken, complex, Ellen MacArthur is the Dame of the circular economy. She convinced Google and the World Economic Forum that the linear model is over a...