Emanuele Bompan

Emanuele Bompan, is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Renewable Matter. Together with Ilaria Brambilla he authored the book Che cos’è l’economia circolare (“What’s the circular economy”), Edizioni Ambiente, Milan 2016. He has been awarded Middlebury Fellowship for Environmental Journalism and four times winner of the IDR grant by the Eu Journalism Center.


COP15: historic biodiversity agreement reached in Montreal

To protect 30% of land, oceans, coastal areas, and waterbodies on Earth. To reduce governmental subsidies that are harmful to nature by 500 billion dollars per year. To expand the rights of indigeno...

COP27: historic agreement on Loss&Damage, but the departure from fossil fuels is still far away

COP27, the 27th U.N. negotiation of the Conference of the Parties in Sharm el-Sheikh, ended at 7 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 20, with one of the worst results ever in terms of timing, second only to the fa...

COP27, how biodiversity can help climate. And vice versa

Wednesday, November 16 was Biodiversity day at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh. The fact that nature is an important ally of decarbonization is common knowledge among experts: the absorption of CO2 by plan...

Harald Friedl, an Enthusiast for Inspiring the Circular Transition

Harald Friedl is one of the most known European advocates for the circular economy. Activist, action-accelerator, thought leader, entrepreneur, mentor, and advisor, Harald is always there when radic...

On Her Majesty’s Service

The transition (economic, ecological, cultural, circular?) requires technology, technical know-how, and soft skills of all kinds. New economic expertise, knowledge of governance processes, new langu...

Italy's turned right. What are the impacts for the ecological transition?

Italy will be led by a right-wing coalition. In an election with a very low electoral turn-out (64 percent, a 10 percent drop from previous elections), the party led by Giorgia Meloni, Fratelli d'It...

Lost in the Supermarket: Retail and the Sustainability Challenge

I'm all lost in the supermarket I can no longer shop happily The ClashThe retail sector wants to change. It is a need dictated by the times, from macroeconomic and political scenarios to factors rel...


When pondering on the complexities of sustainable development, sometimes we fail to include a priority index. Should climate change or pollution from microplastics rank first? Is it more important t...

New IPCC report: adaptation is not keeping pace with climate impact

Lasting and devastating impacts on our society. Massive human losses and economic damage. We are not talking about the war in Ukraine, but the long escalation of humanity against itself linked to cl...

A system to be rethought in style

As well as being a country with great designers and couture, Italy has always been the homeland of artisans and companies that can bring to life the ideas and visions of the most prestigious fashion...

Fashion is Out of Fashion

Fashion is a bizarre subject. The terms stems from the Latin facere (do, make) and through Old French façon to Middle English fashion, and in its multiple senses means manner, appearance, make or s...

Biodiversity, the great challenge of 2022. What are the lessons for politics and businesses?

In 2021, we've been looking hard at the financial and industrial revolution related to decarbonization. Not a day goes by that we don't talk about taxonomy, carbon disclosure, energy efficiency, Sco...

Ellen MacArthur Foundation: the climate needs the circular economy

Climate action needs the circular economy. Jocelyn “Joss” Blériot, director of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the most active think tank dealing with reducing the use of raw materials, maximiz...

Unreal Estate: a New Way of Building

Our buildings are immobile goods. Silent behemoths, slowly changing over the years. Every so often, they are torn down. More frequently, they are renovated, to limit their decay. More rarely, we reg...

Foooood! Eating is a political act

Every time we lift our fork to our mouth, we do so with blind faith toward the products we have on our plate. The hygiene of food supply chains is ever more guaranteed by stringent protocols, the ca...

Metropolis 2052. The future belongs to circular cities

Forced to watch it from balconies and windows, a city, to those who have experienced urban lockdown, appeared as an unknown and largely misunderstood object. In the frenzy of production, a kaleidosc...

New Zealand introduces the first law in the world on transparency for sustainable finance

“New Zealand has become the first country to introduce a law that will require banks, insurers and investment managers to report the impacts of climate change on their business.” This was stated...

Electrification and Digital Networks are Making the Energy Revolution Happen

The next 10 years will be crucial for the planet’s energy and climate future. They will also be decisive for our well-being and prosperity. Europe has set itself the goal of reducing greenhouse ga...

PrimaLoft, Circular Insulation for Outdoor Apparel

While protecting from extreme weather conditions and offering real durability, the outdoor clothing brand PrimaLoft, first designed for the US Army, addresses issues like GHG reduction, microplastic...

The Invisible Thread. Textile and Outdoor Industry towards Circularity

The textile industry makes a significant contribution to the global economy, with over 430 million workers worldwide. A thriving market in constant growth. But while the volume of business grows, th...