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From the 5th to the 8th of November, the entire world of the green, circular and low-carbon economy will be meeting up at Rimini Fiera for Ecomondo, Italian Exhibition Group's cult event., After splitting up with Key Energy due to overcrowding, it is continuing to grow in terms of visitors, exhibitors and topics, increasingly seeking an international edge. Additionally, it is becoming more and more appealing even for sectors not related to the circular economy, that for years has been the core of the show. Clean-Tech, aerospace, Water-Tech, international finance, CSRD services, food, sustainable cities: the themes are many and all unmissable. We took stock with Alessandra Astolfi, Global Exhibition Director - Green & Technology division of Italian Exhibition Group Spa.

Ecomondo is strenghtening its position as the event of ecological transition and circular economy at European and international level. How is the brand propagating?

In the last year we created and strengthened many strategic alliances, from Singapore to Brazil, from Riyadh to Mexico, from China to the US, all countries with a strong demand for technology and sustainability. These governments and institutions are contacting us and asking us to bring localised versions of Ecomondo to their fairs. In 2025, the steadily growing Ecomondo Mexico (5-7 March 2025) and Ecomondo China (27-30 March) will return. Recently, we were in New York at the Climate Week together with ICE to showcase Italian excellence in America. At the same time, IEG, with Ecomondo and all its brands, has been the only Italian fair internationally recognisedas fair leader, thanks to our proprietary formats.

Today we can count on an international network of advisors showcasing Ecomondo. It is present in about twenty countries- from the United Kingdom to Argentina, and will bring dozens of delegations, increasing from 2023, to Italy  with the aim of realising highly organised visits for business exchanges and make trade agreements. However, in order to fully internationalise, we must create a fertile ground for the green economy at national level in a systemic way with the support of MAECI, the Foreign Trade Institute, ITA trade and all the Italian embassies. In this way we can play a central role in the global economic transition towards circularity and low emissions.

What can we expect at Ecomondo 2024?

As always, there are many novelties. First of all, we are reinforcing the focus on climate and biodiversity, with 140 events over the four days of the fair. Some of the most important ones are dedicated to the transition with a focus on water, between droughts and floods. In a region like Emilia-Romagna this is as topical as ever, but the theme of adaptation technologies is also central. Among the guests we will host the extraordinary commissioner for reconstruction, General Figliuolo, Alessandro Bratti of the Po River Basin Authority, and the commissioner for the water emergency, Nicola Dall'Acqua.

We will talk about development and climate at the Mediterranean level with the Union for the Mediterranean and many governmental actors. The conversation will include many reflections on the Piano Mattei especially in light of the upcoming African Green Growth Forum (7 November). This is particularly relevant for all the companies that are seeking to implement projects or that already have them underway, such as ENEL's school for renewable energy in Morocco. Since the exhibition will be held right after the COP16 biodiversity negotiations, we will also discuss about biodiversity and soil protection, topic that involves the organic waste chain and the bioeconomy. Finally, there will be reflections and exhibits related to urban mining, in line with the challenge of recycling as much waste as possible, especially critical raw materials from WEEE.

There will be much talk about the Green Deal and its social impact. In Europe a gearshift is underway, but Ecomondo will accelerate.

We need to create a European green economy industry and we are at the forefront. Ecomondo is a transversal meeting. At governmental level, not only MASE will be present, but almost all ministries, from the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy to the Ministry of Education. We will have the aerospace and hi-tech sector, with EOS (Earth Observation Systems) technologies, AI and digital twins. These are fundamental to prevent environmental and climate risks and to provide data to make the transition more effective and scientific, but also to make industry more efficient. These technologies are accessible to large companies but also assist small and medium-sized enterprises, for example in the agricultural sector.

We will have the world of public finance, with SACE, Simest, Invitalia and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. High-level appointments will be held with TEHA on green investments and with Materia Rinnovabile on global finance for climate and biodiversity, starring World Bank vice-president, Ambroise Fayolle, and the promoter of the Bridgetown agenda, Avinash Persaud. Finally, the maritime sector, with more and more space given to the Blue Economy. In the natural capital treasure chest of our peninsula, the Blue Economy can create new wealth and contribute to the preservation of the natural marine capital: we will have debates with port and coastal realities from all over Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands, which have always been at the forefront on infrastructures for adaptation.

Will there be more finance among the public as well?

Without green finance there is no growth. For the financial world, being at Ecomondo means getting to know the realities where to invest. I am very confident that there will be a significant presence of these entities and we are already seeing this from the pre-registration and applications we receive. For many companies this will be a great opportunity to meet these new guests at Ecomondo.

CSRD will be the most discussed topic, among the pavilions but also at many business dinners. What do you think about it?

Measuring costs money and therefore measuring must also bring benefits. Hopefully, this will lead to easier access to credit but for sure this should be a global directive. On the programme of Ecomondo there will be several opportunities to discuss how to correctly engage with this reporting. It is no coincidence that the number of consultants among Ecomondo visitors is increasing and they will have to provide increasingly specialised services.

Space for green jobs?

The mismatch between supply and demand is an important issue. Many companies cannot find qualified personnel and many recent graduates do not know how to approach companies. This is why we have a notice board and a series of meetings with facilitators organised together with Unioncamere and green jobs expert Marco Gisotti. On friday, in presence of the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara, we will host career guidance events for schools with the Generation project.  An even stronger focus will be on start-ups: this year we received over 150 applications from innovative start-ups, there is great excitement, and we are thinking of holding a dedicated day.

Key Energy will then return in March.

From 5 to 7 March 2025, the exhibition will return focusing on new technologies, such as the electrification of ports, hydrogen, and heat pumps. It will expand by embedding themes from Ecomondo, such as end-of-life batteries and recyclable materials for wind turbines. These fairs are very cohesive and form strong community. We believe to be a great aggregator and will continue to do so even better.


Cover image: Alessandra Astolfi