Emanuele Bompan

Emanuele Bompan, is the editor-in-chief of the magazine Renewable Matter. Together with Ilaria Brambilla he authored the book Che cos’è l’economia circolare (“What’s the circular economy”), Edizioni Ambiente, Milan 2016. He has been awarded Middlebury Fellowship for Environmental Journalism and four times winner of the IDR grant by the Eu Journalism Center.


Lanza (FEEM): “Mitigation and adaptation are key to the next EU Commission”

What impact will the new Parliament and EU Commission have on the Green Deal? This is the question that companies, finance, and analysts have been asking themselves for days, amidst the tense politi...

European elections: the strengthening of nationalism, the downsizing of the ecologists

The European election night sent shockwaves through many capitals, producing unexpected political outcomes: from the dissolution of the French parliament sought by Emmanuel Macron and the fall of Al...

Renewable, Circular Energy Thanks to Biomethane from Landfills

In countries with highly developed networks, such as the U.S.A., Italy, Japan, and Germany, it is best to promote the consumption of alternative fuels on existing networks in support of strong elect...

Bernabei, CEO Enel Green Power: 10 GW of renewables and stop coal by 2027

Enel Green Power continues its drive toward an increasingly renewable mix within the Enel Group, one of the world's leading electricity producers. Renewable energy sources now account for 68.6 perce...

Electro! Shock!

Triple renewable energy and double energy efficiency by the end of the decade: this is the core of the global energy industrial plan adopted by 196 nations last December at COP28 in Dubai, at the he...

Circularity 24, circular economy brings together USA and UE: interview with Jon Smieja

The American circular economy will take center stage at Circularity 24, which will be held May 22-24 in Chicago, USA. We discussed themes, speakers, and objectives of the event with Jon Smieja, VP o...

CONOU, an Example of a Consortium Economic Model

“From an operational perspective, 2023 was even better than the previous year. We will publish the data soon, but so far, we are happy with the trends. High-quality collection is constantly im...

Ecomondo Mexico, circular economy waiting to be built

(Guadalajara) There is a need for circular economy in Mexico. Among the 12,500 registered visitors at Solar + Storage y Ecomondo México in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, the interest in EP...

The shadow of consulting firms (and Tony Blair) on climate negotiations

The government of Azerbaijan seeks help for COP29. In recent weeks, proposals to collaborate with the government of Baku in managing the 29th UN climate conference, to be held in November in Azerbai...

Tomra separates food-grade plastic from non-food-grade plastic with deep learning

* from Koblenz   An intelligence capable of making decisions within milliseconds, based on information learned gradually over time, improving day by day the ability to distinguish a waste. Th...

Nature Restoration Law stalled again: Italy among opponents

It appeared that the Nature Restoration Law, a key piece of the Green Deal, was a done deal. Yet a minority of EU members, including Italy and Hungary, once again prevented the adoption of legi...

Renewable Matter's sponsored articles

Transparency is one of the core values of Renewable Matter, which is why I want to clarify to our readers how we engage with advertising companies, while fully respecting our authority. The co...

Welcome to Post-Capitalism

Chico Mendes, a Brazilian trade unionist and environmentalist, is often credited with the phrase that “environmentalism without class struggle is just gardening.” In a world where the ri...

Ready-for-use Digital Solutions with IBM

How can we accelerate the use of complex software to aid the ecological transition among businesses, governments, and international organizations? In Dubai, during COP28, Renewable Matter met w...

Giving New Life to Wooden Packaging

The wooden packaging recycling sector is not very well-known. Perhaps because it’s rarely disposed of at home, or because there are no dedicated bins or door-to-door collection, this type of w...

Climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development: the key international meetings during 2024

2024 will be a key year for green finance, for the green transition, for advancing the UN Montreal-Kunming Agreement on Biodiversity, for strengthening multilateralism on sustainable development beg...

Two Intelligences

“We are seeing growing evidence that artificial intelligence can prove to be an invaluable tool in the fight against climate change. We need to harness its potential and empower innovator...

Renewable Matter goes bimonthly

We begin the year 2024 with great news: Renewable Matter becomes bimonthly. Six issues a year for more comprehensive and even more articulate reporting. From the circular economy of territorie...

Ten words for 2024

Another year has come to an end. There are those who reflect on these past twelve months while others prefer to look to the year ahead. We of Renewable Matter, who by nature are always looking ...

Here is how countries will have to allocate climate resources after COP28

*from Dubai   The equation is simple: if you want to decarbonise the economy, it will not be enough to have a final text here at COP28 calling for the phase-out of all fossil fuels, with emis...