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Global plastics treaty, the 4th negotiation ended amid stonewalling and misinformation

The fourth round of negotiations of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-4) for the development of an international legally binding instrument (ILBI) on plastic pollution was held in Ott...

The Energy Transition Opens the Doors to the Humanistic Engineering of the Future

Like a contemporary industrial revolution, the energy transition will change the global approach to the working world. More jobs, new roles, but most importantly, an innovative way of studying and t...

Air quality networks can also monitor biodiversity around the world

Sixth mass extinction and climate crisis, unfortunately, go hand in hand, but they are not the same thing. When we speak of mass extinction, we are referring to the massive loss of biodiversity on a...

Electricity grids at the heart of the energy transition

The energy transition is accelerating rapidly. In Italy, according to the proposed update to the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (Piano Nazionale Integrato Energia e Clima – PNIEC)...

From Europe to the Global South, circular cooperation comes through Brussels

(Brussels)  Cooperation, connections, social justice, sustainable futures: in a world increasingly at war, the circular economy stands today as a tool for peace and equitable development. This ...

The Strasbourg Court has reshaped the horizon of climate litigation in Europe

On the 9th of April, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) delivered a decision that scholars already consider a milestone for climate litigation. There are more than 2,500 lawsuits worldwide t...

REbuild 2024, the 10th edition confronts with the “Green Homes” Directive

It is possible to generate new value only by bringing into play economic, social and governance values: REbuild, the event that reflects on how to innovate the construction sector, returns from...

Ecomondo Mexico, circular economy waiting to be built

(Guadalajara) There is a need for circular economy in Mexico. Among the 12,500 registered visitors at Solar + Storage y Ecomondo México in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, the interest in EP...

Planet vs Plastic, the Hidden Cost of an Unwise Use

The industrial production of plastic began around 1950 and has increased exponentially in the years since, substantially exceeding that of any other manufactured material.  A 2020 study publish...

Panamericana and biodiversity, empathy can save the world

It has been almost 2 years since the 15th of July 2022 when I took the plane that allowed me to verify with my own eyes, how much and in which form human activities are changing, sometimes irreparab...

Startup, Zupply: automation platform for circular building projects

Zupply is a Danish startup that supports companies in the construction industry in transitioning to circular economy models. They do so by using data and automation to initiate workflows to efficien...

Rising emissions, over 80% produced by only 57 companies from 2015

From the Paris Agreement to the present, climate-changing emissions have continued to increase rather than decrease. Even those related to coal — the most polluting of fossil fuels, which is w...

Urban Food Policy can revolutionise food consumption. Interview with Peter Defranceschi

There is a world of meanings and connections behind two simple words like "food" and "city," spanning across cultures, economies, stories, and social interactions. In urban contexts, food is an elem...

Green ammonia and hydrogen storage, a partnership between NextChem Tech and Vallourec

NextChem Tech's proprietary technology dedicated to green ammonia will be integrated with Vallourec's Delphy technology for hydrogen storage. Disclosing the collaboration is an April 4, 2024 press r...

Fashion Crimes: 'Zara and H&M use cotton linked to violence and environmental devastation'

“Back in the days when we used to swim in the river we were afraid of alligators. Now it is difficult to find even a small geko." Marcos Rogério Beltrão dos Santos is a Brazilian...

PFAS, at Waste Management Europe a conference on "forever pollutants"

An acronym standing for Per and Poly-Fluorinated Alkylated Substances, PFAS constitute a large family of chemical compounds used in a wide variety of industrial applications and consumer produc...

Digital Twins for Water Resource Management

The need to manage vast quantities of data, simultaneously improving operational and invested capital efficiency, is increasingly driving integrated water service managers to use advanced digital in...

The shadow of consulting firms (and Tony Blair) on climate negotiations

The government of Azerbaijan seeks help for COP29. In recent weeks, proposals to collaborate with the government of Baku in managing the 29th UN climate conference, to be held in November in Azerbai...

Startup: Cloov, the rental and second-hand platform for fashion brands

By using proprietary software, the Cloov startup enables apparel and accessories brands to create an online platform for rental and second-hand sales. Through its Software-as-a-service (SaaS), in ju...

"Biodegradable" tableware violates plastic pollution regulation

This is the second article of the three-part series Bioplastic: green innovation or another plastic problem? an international investigation jointly published by Renewable Matter ‒ a...