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Founded in 2021, NARA is a Scottish agro-ecology company that works all over the world to restore landscapes and produce carbon-negative ingredients for industry by building ecosystems with saltwater. By supporting farming communities at the frontlines of climate change, NARA helps farmers turn salt-affected land into healthy agro-ecologies, where naturally salt-tolerant crops are grown to produce a wide variety of ingredients from food, animal feed, cosmetics to bio-fuels and building materials.

Halophytes are plants that tolerate high levels of salt and offer yields in the form of biomass, oils, and straw. Each crop presents a unique set of ingredients with high-value applications as a feedstock for industry use. Depending on geography and need, NARA uses a selection of these crops, including sarcocornia, salicornia, sea aster, and bushy sea lavender. "Halophytes can grow under practically any condition, and we find them in some of the most challenging habitats in the world, such as the Kalahari Desert," says NARA Climate Co-founder Yanik Nyberg. Starting from halophytes and building these blue ecosystems in integrated restoration agriculture approaches, NARA brings degraded land into agricultural productivity.

In recent years, the startup has led projects in several countries, including Canada, the United Kingdom, Namibia, Kenya, Australia, Pakistan, Spain, and Ghana. In these latter two countries, alongside sister company Seawater Solutions, NARA is working on innovative farming technologies (particularly in the Guadalquivir delta in southern Spain) and on restoring mangrove forests.




NARA Climate


Blue economy


Supporting farming communities and creating regenerative ingredients


Transforming salt-affected lands into healthy agro-ecologies to fight climate change


Cover: image Envato