Mario Bonaccorso

Mario Bonaccorso is a journalist and creator of the Il Bioeconomista blog.


Success Driven by Innovation

Perhaps the mere name of Novozymes is enough to adequately describe the Danish bioeconomy. The Bagsværd-based giant, 12 kilometres north-east of Copenhagen, holds 48% of the world market of in...

The Liquid Continent

A liquid continent. This is how Fernand Braudel, a famous French historian of the Annales School, defined the Mediterranean. A continent made of water surrounded by three different continents, ...

Southern Italy Restarts from Green Chemistry

Non-repayable funds that often enriched Southern politicians’ entourage and led to white elephant projects, plants with no connection with their areas and in many cases with no consideration f...

A Winning Agreement

BBI JU is a public-private partnership between the EU and the Bio-Based Industries Consortium. It has funded as much as 65 projects in the past 3 years, playing therefore a fundamental role in enhan...

From Coal to Biomass

The strong presence of the chemical industry (the sixth European country by turnover, according to CEFIC, the European Chemical Industry Council, and first in the world on a per capita basis), with ...

The European Path to Bioeconomy Runs through Clusters

Long gone are the days when the big enterprises of the early capitalism used to rule from within the innovation processes, from basic research to the marketing of new products. Nowadays such innovat...

The Bioeconomy Gets to the Fridge: Packaging is 100% Biobased

Beer in wooden bottles, milk in cartons produced with residues of sugar cane, drinks in PET cans made from organic resources. The future of packaging – and in some cases the present – is...

The New Chemistry Is Worth $80 Trillion

Let us begin with your book, regarded as the Bible by those in the know. Will you help us understand where the world’s chemical industry is heading for? Over the last ten years, the chemical ...

In Italy the Bioeconomy Is Worth 241 Billion Euro

  We now know that in Italy the bioeconomy is worth €241 billion and employs approximately 1.6 million people. Such figures are provided by Intesa Sanpaolo Think Tank based on a thorough ...

The War for Biomass

Nevertheless, are agricultural waste and refuse able to feed the whole bioeconomy? The global situation we are faced with at the moment is very complicated: on the one hand, the demand for biomass i...