Mario Bonaccorso

Mario Bonaccorso is a journalist and creator of the Il Bioeconomista blog.


A Bioethanol-Fuelled Bioeconomy

Abundance of non-food biomass, soil and vast availability of natural resources, a biodiversity almost unmatched anywhere else in the world and a biotechnological and chemical industry focused on inn...

The Bioeconomy is the New Force de Frappe

France has finally taken its place at the table alongside other European countries with a national bioeconomy strategy. Announced in June 2015 and presented on 18 January of this year, Une Strat&eac...

Industrial Renaissance

Some of the world’s leading companies with unique production plants worldwide, some still excellent research despite many obstacles (investments in R&D is merely over 1.3% of GDP), the abi...

Sustainable Ambition

A need and an opportunity – this is what the bioeconomy is for the government of Spain, that, in March 2016, was the first of the big Mediterranean countries to present its own national strate...

A Treasure at the Bottom of the Sea

Outstanding network-creating research, no large industrial groups, great raw material availability, a highly-developed ocean sector and a government that has placed economy decarbonisation at the he...

Will Berlin Be the Global Capital of the Bioeconomy?

Wachstum und Stabilität. Germany has based its economy on this formula since the Weimar Republic period. Growth and stability for a country that for years has been recognized as the driving for...

Bioeconomy Drives Resource Efficiency and Green Growth

Focus Germany     Germany holds an internationally leading position in the establishment of a bioeconomy. At the end of 2010 – as one of the first nations – your country p...

The Renewable Future is Already Here

A Country aspiring to have a circulating car fleet no longer powered by fossil fuels by 2030. A national chemical industry that – by the same year – aims at becoming totally oil free. A ...

Europe Desperately Seeking Biomass

The availability of biomass is the bioeconomy’s lifeblood. Being able to predict flows becomes strategic for government and the industrial sector. Lately there has been a proliferation of anal...

How to Turn an Old Sofa into Biofuel

Old furniture, sofas, nappies and bar receipts are solid urban waste. Globally, according to a World Bank report carried out in 2012, we produce 1.3 billion tonnes of it every year. Only 34% is recy...

Bioeconomy: An Investment of 1 Euro Today Will Reap 10 Euro in 2025

An investment of one euro in 2010 will generate a return of 10 euro in 2025. An investment of 35,000 euro into research and development over the same time frame will create one full-time job. This i...

The Future of Lego Bricks is Bio-Based

Lego bricks of the future will be bio-based. The world’s largest toy manufacturer has decided to invest in research and development to find new, sustainable materials for the production of its...

Pushing the Limits of Technology, Recognizing the Limits of Natural Resources

  “Being able to live well within natural limits is the great challenge of our century and it requires a change in development model. We must adopt a habit of production and conservati...

700 for the Bioeconomy

  Promoted and organized by EuropaBio, representative association of European biotech and biobased industry, EFIB (European Forum on Industrial Biotech), has reached its eighth edition. Thi...

The Bioeconomy: The Netherlands in Pole Position

Top universities and research centres, innovative start-ups and large companies, clusters, pilot plants, a cutting-edge logistic system and agriculture and chemistry as the economy’s driving f...

It Is Time to Pass from Words to Action

From words to action. In a nutshell, this is the challenge launched by the EU at the 4th Bioeconony Stakeholders’ Conference held in Utrecht (The Netherlands) on 12th and 13th April, in the st...

An Uphill Struggle

Covers illustrating this dossier are successful prototypes of an unprecedented and unique communication model the world over. Great trendsetter and conveyor of taste and style, the Uni...

Biomass is the Engine of the Canadian Bioeconomy

Jeff Passmore   If biomass is the essential element for the development of the bioeconomy, Justin Trudeau-led country can rightly claim a leadership role in the field. A...

The Future Starts from Wood

“By 2030, we will need 50% more food, 45% more energy and 30% more water. The solution is the bioeconomy.” Reading the opening lines of the portal devoted to the bioeconomy (yes, a whole...

From Maple Trees to Biorefineries

Supported by:   Great availability of renewable raw materials, institutional infrastructure and support: These are the ingredients that make Canada one of the major players in the bioecon...