Circularity for Supply Chain: a webcast from GreenBiz

For a real transition to the circular economy, it is necessary that not only individual companies, but entire supply chains revolutionize their systems. But how to get your supply chain to embrace c...

Soil is Vital

It is not easy to describe how important soil is for life. All the different types of soil that exist are composed of very complex systems. Their importance and value can only be understood by going...

Reinventing the Fire. Again

It is a slow and beautiful drive up to Snowmass, Colorado. Cars drive at 20 miles per hour, due to icy roads. External temperature is -25°C, and everything looks pale white, like in the tale of the...

Textile: the GRETE project develops green technologies for the wood-to-textile value chain

The textile sector is, as largely known, up to today one of the most polluting industries. Along the value chain, starting from raw materials to the final product, the different production processes...

Reverse logistics, the circular economy weakest link

Reverse logistics is sometimes described as the logistics going in the “wrong direction”. Yet, by closing the loop of product lifecycles, it plays an important role to transitioning to a circula...

STARTUP: Desserto, Algalife, ALDstone, Rheaply


The Future of Protein


"It's the How, not the Cow"


Europe Counts on Biofertilizers for a Sustainable Agriculture


EU: for a New Land Policy


Desertification: is Europe on the Brink of a Soil Crisis?


FAO Issues the Contaminated Land Alarm


Cattlechain: bridging the gap between livestock farmers and consumers

Unless you are a vegetarian, pescatarian or vegan, chances are you would not let a juicy ribeye steak pass you by. Would you? Even though countries may have different meat preferences, livestock pro...

Circular Antivirus

We’re facing the greatest economic crisis in history. But the wise always know how to turn a difficult time into a moment of opportunity. This is the first time we have had such a chance to rethin...

The World Circular Economy Forum postponed to 2021. In September the online event

The World Circular Economy Forum, which was due to take place in Toronto in September, was postponed to 2021 due to the Covid-19 emergency. The most important international event dedicated to the ci...

Oil Recycling: Italy is an excellence in Europe, thanks to CONOU

CONOU has a long and interesting history. As a consortium, it has been operating since 1984. Its mission is to collect and recycle hazardous waste materials ranging from waste oil that comes from ca...

A Forest

The expression “sustainability” is strictly correlated with forests. The word came into use in 1713 when the chief mining official Hans Carl von Carlowitz, from Freiberg, Saxony, published the ...

The circular economy and the European Green Deal

According to anthropologists, around 12 000 years ago at the dawn of the Neolithic Revolution, when humans ceased hunting and gathering, there may have been between 2 and 20 million people living on...

Beyond the Lockdown

In the United States there are 36 million people already out of work. In Europe, by the end of May, 60 million could, be laid off or suffer a sharp reduction in salary. In the rest of the world over...

EIHA Hemp Conference: the international event will be held online on 16-17 June 2020

The Covid-19 emergency does not stop innovation in the hemp sector. The 17th edition of the EIHA Hemp Conference, the most important international meeting on industrial hemp and cannabis, will be he...