Germany wants to charge suppliers of throwaway items for abandoned waste

Packaging, cigarette butts, plastic cups and all sorts of throwaway items carelessly abandoned on the street or in parks. How much does it cost to collect and dispose of them correctly? Germany has ...

Desertification: Is Europe on the Brink of a Soil Crisis?

Desertification, spurred by soil exploitation and climate change, is today an increasing threat also in Europe. Measures to prevent it are not enough. A coordinated strategy is lacking, but the new ...

Arup: "Big Data and AI will drive the sustainability of the rail"

In a world grappling with the pressing needs to reduce emissions and to accelerate the transition to a fully circular economy, the railway system - the most ecological and least impacting means of t...

Stora Enso and Helsinki Olympic Stadium go green by promoting renewable materials

Stora Enso and Helsinki Olympic Stadium signed a partnership agreement to develop low-carbon, eco-friendly operations at the stadium by promoting the use of renewable materials and circular economy ...

David R. Montgomery: To go forward we must look down

“What is essential is invisible to the eyes”, ‎Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote in the literary masterpiece The Little Prince. Soil provides 95% of our food and holds more carbon than all of Ea...

Future Water. Evolution and Revolution of the Water Service

Over half a billion euros for the next five years. Gruppo Cap, the 100% publicly-funded company managing the integrated water service in the Metropolitan City of Milan and currently one of Italy’s...

The Museum of the Non-discarded

Some define it as the Sistine Chapel of the poor, a humble Louvre, a Divine Comedy of work tools, of waste and worn out shoes. Famous critics regard it as an extraordinary and unique contemporary ar...

The unsustainable prevalence of plexiglass

Strict social distancing requirements and the need for physical barriers have led to an exponential increase in the use of plexiglass over the last few months. This fossil-based material is so widel...

Travelling Light. Will the New Tourism be Circular?

Canadian poet Anne Carson once said that “the only rule of travel is: don't come back as you left. Come back different”. Today, this idea could be applied to the concept of travel itself. Consum...

Tourism is Dead, Long Live Tourism

The global tourism industry is vast, complex and critical to many local and national economies. Until recently, it represented a tenth of global employment and 7% of global exports. A mix of supply ...

Circularity 20, the largest US circular economy event, will be held online in August

The largest circular economy conference in the United States, organized by GreenBiz, will be held online, on 25 - 27 August 2020. Circularity 20 was expected to take place in Atlanta, but given the ...

The future of protein

Industrial production of meat from intensive farming is increasingly unsustainable, and faces heavy criticism for the conditions in which animals are raised and slaughtered, for the amount of water,...

Ellen MacArthur Foundation: a Manifesto for Circular Recovery

The Covid-19 crisis once and for all highlighted the close link between respect for the environment and health, for individuals and for society. The recovery must be sustainable. And the development...

Close the Glass Loop: an action plan to boost recycling in Europe

Potentially infinitely reusable and 100% recyclable, glass is the perfect circular material. And in fact, its collection for recycling rate in the European Union stands at 76%. But more can be done ...

Circular Professions: a new role for Geoscientists

The success of the energy transition - or, more generally, the progression to a more environmentally sustainable economic development model - is necessarily dependent on the availability of professi...

Can face masks be sustainable?

While Covid-19 was spreading across the world, hundreds of companies around the world converted part of their production lines to produce face masks. Similarly, many enterprises started focusing on ...

Oil and bicycle: in Siena the recovery starts from sustainability

The post-Covid recovery will have to start from the territories, from the communities and from sustainability. The initiative launched by Sienambiente for a green recovery of the Province of Siena h...

Innovation from hemp: the winners of the EIHA “Hemp Product of the Year”

The hemp industry has become a multi-billion-dollar business worldwide in recent years. The applications of this raw material and its derivatives are almost infinite: they range from textiles to the...

Amazon, Do not destroy

The first law in the world banning the destruction of returned or unsold products has been passed in France. This happened following the wave of indignation unleashed after the release of a document...

Regenerate, the tool that revolutionizes circular buildings

Embracing principles of the circular economy could bring a number of benefits to the built environment. Buildings are regularly stripped out and torn down, with new buildings frequently constructed ...