This collective wants to fix the beauty industry's packaging problem

No recycled content. No take-back program. Destined for landfill, incineration or (worse yet) the environment. This probably doesn’t sound to you like a recipe for success in sustainability. It di...

Specific codes for the biobased industries are fundamental to fully exploit the circular bioeconomy potential

“The recognition of our sector through the application of specific NACE codes is an important element as it would allow a better measurement in the statistical field and the possibility of address...

COP15: historic biodiversity agreement reached in Montreal

To protect 30% of land, oceans, coastal areas, and waterbodies on Earth. To reduce governmental subsidies that are harmful to nature by 500 billion dollars per year. To expand the rights of indigeno...

Coal-to-biomass transition fuels deforestation in Indonesia

Indonesia‘s efforts to reduce its reliance on coal are likely to produce increased deforestation according to a study by environmental think tank Trend Asia. The goal – to scale back the burden ...

How to Communicate about the Circular Economy

From technical model for connoisseurs to (almost) mainstream idea: in a little over a decade, the narrative of the circular economy has experienced massive evolution. But what are the current tools,...

Global Plastic Treaty: the first round of negotiations opens in Uruguay

The first round of negotiations for the adoption of a global treaty on plastic opens in Uruguay. From 28 November to 2 December 2022, in Punta del Este, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (...

Enershare, Europe's first common space for energy data

A consortium of international energy, industry and science leaders has launched the Enershare project, funded with 8 million euros from the European Commission. Announced in Lisbon on November 9, th...

COP27: historic agreement on Loss&Damage, but the departure from fossil fuels is still far away

COP27, the 27th U.N. negotiation of the Conference of the Parties in Sharm el-Sheikh, ended at 7 a.m. on Sunday, Nov. 20, with one of the worst results ever in terms of timing, second only to the fa...

COP27, how biodiversity can help climate. And vice versa

Wednesday, November 16 was Biodiversity day at COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh. The fact that nature is an important ally of decarbonization is common knowledge among experts: the absorption of CO2 by plan...

COP27, farmers demand funds for food security

Fires, floods, desertification and prolonged droughts. These are all extreme weather events that threaten the food security of the entire planet. Therefore, funds and adaptation measures are urgentl...

The greatest economist you've probably never heard of

Thus someone defined Herman Daly, who passed away on October 28 at the age of 84. Whether or not he was the father of ecological economics matters little. What Herman Daly's work represented can al...

COP27: UN's 10 recommendations against climate greenwashing

“The COPs are mainly used as an opportunity for leaders and people in power to get attention, using many different kinds of greenwashing.” Despite being almost 20 years old now, Greta Thunberg h...

How Philadelphia wants to become a circular city

With $126 billion GDP per year, the Philadelphia metropolitan area, the city of the Declaration of Independence, is an economic powerhouse in the country with the world's largest carbon footprint. S...

Harald Friedl, an Enthusiast for Inspiring the Circular Transition

Harald Friedl is one of the most known European advocates for the circular economy. Activist, action-accelerator, thought leader, entrepreneur, mentor, and advisor, Harald is always there when radic...

On Her Majesty’s Service

The transition (economic, ecological, cultural, circular?) requires technology, technical know-how, and soft skills of all kinds. New economic expertise, knowledge of governance processes, new langu...

Packaging waste: a preview of the European Commission's draft proposal

On November 30, the European Commission is due to submit its proposal for a "Regulation of the European Parliament and Council on Packaging and Packaging Waste." Renewable Matter was able to view a ...

Polysilicon: the Chinese domain that violates Uyghur rights

Just by looking carefully at a handful of sand, and armed with a magnifying glass, sparkling, spiky grains can be seen. That is quartz sand, or silicon in its oxidized state. Counting for nearly 30 ...

The Role of Universities and Private Institutes in Circular Economy Education

Universities perform a series of essential services for the circular transition, from defining what a circular economy really is to researching innovative solutions, from x to dialogue with business...

Google launches startup accelerator for the circular economy

Google the term "circular economy," and the top search results are a bunch of definitions. The circular economy is still nascent — think tank Circle Economy argues that the world is less than 9 pe...

Let’s re-design the fashion system

According to Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimates, the equivalent of one lorry full of clothes is thrown in a landfill or incinerated every second. The global fashion industry keeps growing, but onl...