Second Life… is Circular!

The Alliance for the circular economy, joined by Enel and 16 other Italian iconic companies, presented a paper to steer transition towards the circular economy with huge advantages for the climate, ...

Big Plastic’s Manual Of False Solutions For Plastic Waste

Delay, distract, and derail any law or action plan for reducing plastic waste, so business-as-usual can go on as long as possible. These are the three basic tactics that Big Plastic has successfully...

The man who invented the bioeconomy: the story of Raul Gardini

The Eni of Enrico Mattei, the great vision of Adriano Olivetti: in the industrial history of Italy we too often find ourselves, in retrospect, regretting the enormous opportunities lost due to the r...

Ecomondo and Key Energy will be held online, from 3 to 15 November

Ecomondo and Key Energy had to surrender to the decree of the Italian Prime Minister presented on 25 October, which established the suspension of fairs and conferences of any kind.Two weeks for the ...

The Geopolitics of Food. Interview with Tim Lang

Tim Lang favours the long view. You can’t look at the food system without using a complex, holistic approach. No one has a better outlook than the internationally renowned professor of Food Policy...

Circular Economy for Food: Value Connections Amongst Food, Humankind, and the Planet

Those dealing with macro scenarios know these numbers all too well: in 2050, in order to feed 9.1 billion people, food availability will have to increase by about 70% (benchmarked against 2005 basel...

Energy poverty in Africa: the time to act is now

It is called energy poverty, and it is considered one of the most limiting conditions for human development. The difficulty of individuals and families in accessing reliable energy services, in fact...

Plastic packaging: in the EU, Covid boosts the single-use and pushes recycling targets away

Europe is far from the plastic packaging recycling targets it set for itself. Take this step forward, and it will not reach those of 2025 nor those of 2030. This is the conclusion, not exactly heart...

A call for startups in sustainable innovation

The “ReShape: innovability to build a brighter future” call, launched by Enel for startups and SMEs around the world, will remain open until November 30, 2020. The energy multinational is lookin...

The new European Raw Materials Alliance

On September 29, the European Commission launched the European Raw Materials Alliance. The announcement follows the publication of the Action Plan on Critical Raw Materials, a far-reaching strategy ...

IFIB: International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy, Rome 1-2 October

The 2020 edition of IFIB, the International Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy, is held in Rome. On Thursday 1 and Friday 2 October, both in presence and on a digital platform, bioecon...

Critical raw materials: an action plan for Europe

Smartphones, domestic appliances, solar panels. But also drones, magnets in wind farms, batteries and accumulators for cars, and other electrical and electronic devices. These are all objects that -...

Universities and the circular economy: a future-proof combination

Many universities and research institutes throughout Italy and Europe have distinguished themselves in recent years by exploring themes related to the circular economy and sustainability. This work ...

The responsible return of trade fairs. Ecomondo in the time of Covid

The purpose of travel is not just leisure and exploration. People also move around for business and work, and the business travel sector took a heavy hit due to the Covid-19 pandemic. After months o...

PrimaLoft Bio: the first synthetic fabric biodegradable at sea

It could be a revolution in the field of synthetic fibers for fabrics. PrimaLoft Inc., the New York-based world leader in research on high-performance insulation materials and fabrics, has presented...

Plastic in the ocean: reducing pollution will have positive impacts on the economy

One of the most ambitious regulations in the world to tackle plastic pollution in the ocean, the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) will come into force on January 1, 2021. Even if the directiv...

Kelly Bricker: the Four Pillars of Sustainable Travel

When we pack our bags and explore new and captivating corners of the planet, do we ever take the time to consider our impact on local communities and the global ecosystem? More often than not touris...

The Great Food Challenge: FAO and Climate Action launch a Digital Event Series

Food, climate, health. These are the three keywords of the series of online conferences and debates organized by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) in collaboration with Climate Action. "The Gr...

Norway has a long way to become circular. Here is why

The Norwegian economy is only 2.4% circular. This is the latest Circularity Gap Report produced by, Circle Economy and Circular Norway. This is compared to a global average of 8.6%, 9.7% in Austria ...

The Atlantic Ocean contains more plastic than we thought

Plastic, or rather microplastic is added to plastic. And the Atlantic Ocean is even more contaminated than we feared. This is demonstrated by a new study by Katsiaryna Pabortsava and Richard Lampitt...