
When Plundering the Environment Becomes Big Business

When Plundering the Environment Becomes Big Business

Green corruption is the circular economy’s sworn enemy: its very anthitesis, its tombstone. A liquid enemy that feeds and grows on red tape inefficiencies and awful governance in the managemen...

Energies Sustainability and Renewable Materials

Energies Sustainability and Renewable Materials

Renewable energies are to be considered neither plentiful nor inexhaustible nor cheap. Indeed, using renewable energy sources requires – for the production of electricity, usable thermal ene...

Success Driven by Innovation

Success Driven by Innovation

Perhaps the mere name of Novozymes is enough to adequately describe the Danish bioeconomy. The Bagsværd-based giant, 12 kilometres north-east of Copenhagen, holds 48% of the world market of in...

Changing the Relationship between the Economy, Territories and People

Changing the Relationship between the Economy, Territories and People

The challenge that we are facing – how to get the economy running again – is an industrial revolution which radically changes the relationship with our territory, currently characteriz...

The Liquid Continent

The Liquid Continent

A liquid continent. This is how Fernand Braudel, a famous French historian of the Annales School, defined the Mediterranean. A continent made of water surrounded by three different continents, ...

Bioeconomy's Triple Advantage

Bioeconomy's Triple Advantage

The Bioeconomy aims to promote the most efficient and sustainable production and exploitation of biological resources to tackle global interconnected challenges. The concept of the bioeconomy int...

Southern Italy Restarts from Green Chemistry

Southern Italy Restarts from Green Chemistry

Non-repayable funds that often enriched Southern politicians’ entourage and led to white elephant projects, plants with no connection with their areas and in many cases with no consideration f...

Fighting Waste to Produce New Wealth

Fighting Waste to Produce New Wealth

Innovating involves approaching problems from a different perspective. In other words, one needs to move from a quantitative to a qualitative analysis, thus feeling an integral part of a living sy...

5 Drivers for a Changing Economy

5 Drivers for a Changing Economy

This implies analysing what its economic relevance is, assuming that there is a very close connection between economic development and the rational and sustainable use of matter flows. In order to a...

Rare Earth Elements: The Vitamins of Modern Industry

Rare Earth Elements: The Vitamins of Modern Industry

Demand is increasing. Production is almost completely dominated by China. Recycling margins are inadequate. This is the current context of the market of Rare Earth Elements (REE) or “technolog...

Bioeconomy: a European Gamble

Bioeconomy: a European Gamble

The Bioeconomy. In Europe this sector is currently worth € 2 trillion with 22 million jobs and yet this word is still relegated to technical language, as if it were an academic oddity, a margin...

Not Renewable, but Everlasting

Not Renewable, but Everlasting

Virtually, the aluminium of the beer can you had last night is everlasting, even if its use is a very recent application. Aluminium is not found in nature, for centuries its value rivalled that of g...

Revision of the Waste Directive and Prospects for a European Circular Economy

Revision of the Waste Directive and Prospects for a European Circular Economy

The proposal for a waste directive presented at the commission on 2nd July 2014,(1) in the framework of a packet of measures aimed at promoting circular economy, is the first important regulato...

The Secret of Steel

The Secret of Steel

When Jared Diamond wrote his essay Guns, Germs and Steel. A Brief History of Everybody for the Last 13,000 Years purported to show a picture of the history of mankind from an ecological rather than ...

Employment, Research and Innovation for Sustainable Growth

Employment, Research and Innovation for Sustainable Growth

Europe: innovation for sustainable and inclusive growth In times of financial straits, substantial demographic changes and increasing global competition, innovation is Europe’s best tool to s...

5,000 Years of Transparency

5,000 Years of Transparency

We could define glass as a noble material. Made with naturally-derived raw materials, has been used for as many as 5,000 years and today it can be separated and recycled – with economic and en...

A Ban Spurs the Launch of the Bioeconomy in Italy: the Case of Shopping Bags

A Ban Spurs the Launch of the Bioeconomy in Italy: the Case of Shopping Bags

For once, the revolution involving landfills and waste management saw Italy as the leader in Europe. Funny, since Italy is known for having the highest number of law infringements, some of them very...

Circular Economy Showing off

Circular Economy Showing off

In order not to risk sending a weak signal, it chose the most prominent position: the fair’s entrance hall, impossible to go unnoticed. So the “ExNovo Materials in the Circular Economy&...

It Takes a Flower

It Takes a Flower

In Hannover, Germany, the natural rubber used for treads has been replaced by a new product, an extract of dandelion (to be precise of the Russian dandelion, Taraxacum kok-saghyz), then renamed &ldq...

Filling up at the Treatment Plant!

Filling up at the Treatment Plant!

A treatment plant in Milan’s metropolitan area turned into a biorefinery. A treatment plant for the sewage of part of Lombardy regional capital turning into a filling up station. Local and wit...
