
An Industrial Rebirth

An Industrial Rebirth

Yet for all the focus placed on Canada as a resource-rich country, another story deserves to be told. This one talks of transformation and innovation, of adaptation in the face of adversity and of t...

All Canada's Resources

All Canada's Resources

It is well known that Canada is rich in biomass. Less known is the fact that the country also has a myriad of strongly developed industries that can leverage the potential of the bioeconomy. In Cana...

Sugar is Better than Oil

Sugar is Better than Oil

C4H10O2. This is the formula of 1,4-Butanediol, a chemical compound derived from butane, a colourless gas which is obtained through fractional distillation of oil and natural gas. It is a fossil-der...

The Unburnable Carbon Bubble

The Unburnable Carbon Bubble

  Mark conceived, with his co-founder Nick Robins who is currently Co-director of UNEP Inquiry, the “unburnable carbon” and “carbon bubble” idea. Since its launch, th...

From Waste to Green Building

From Waste to Green Building

Europe is asking us to prohibit – by 2025 – the use of landfills for plastic, metal, glass, paper and cardboard recyclable residues and for biodegradable ones; it is also calling for an ...

Oil Draws a Perfect Circle

Oil Draws a Perfect Circle

The regeneration of used mineral oils represents a well-established positive example of circular economy in our country. Today, in Italy over 95% of used lubricating oils which enter a regeneration ...

A Journey Where Matter is for Good

A Journey Where Matter is for Good

The circular economy. It is difficult to determine where it starts and where it ends. We could imagine a 3D journey in which a circle becomes a spiral and the third axis is represented by the second...

Artificial and Safe

Artificial and Safe

They appear as black granules, with the distinctive smell and colour of tyres from which they originate: this is recycled rubber from ELTs. It is precisely because of its smell and colour that such...

Intersecting Supply Chains

Intersecting Supply Chains

Intersecting production chains. This could be the key element of the circular economy where the stark difference between twentieth and twenty-first centuries could be noticed, as far as the use of r...

The Peak of Resources

The Peak of Resources

There is a ghost hovering around the world. Its name is “The Peak”. In a way, it is an obvious concept: if we exploit a non-renewable resource, its production is bound to start from zero...

Mission 99% Accomplished

Mission 99% Accomplished

Changing often means evolving, keeping up with the times. What seemed to be a pioneering activity more than thirty years ago, when the Mandatory Consortium for Used Oils (Consorzio Obbligatorio Oli ...

Urban Mine

Urban Mine

Better than Germany. Beyond San Francisco. This project is attracting a host of administrators and experts wishing to study and analyse it. It is Italy’s pride and joy. The subject of such att...

More Recycling on the Web

More Recycling on the Web

Following transformations in real time. This is how we can sum up the new Comieco’s initiative on e-commerce started recently to steer this sector, which is experiencing a strong growth, towar...

The Many Lives of Matter. Here's how to Convert it Back

The Many Lives of Matter. Here's how to Convert it Back

Traditional forest industry products (like pulp and paper) are a vital part of the bioeconomy. Here we take a closer look at other emerging products.  Forest resources are becoming an interest...

Growth, Sustainability and the Bioeconomy. An Uneasy Triangle?

Growth, Sustainability and the Bioeconomy. An Uneasy Triangle?

When decision-makers in politics, economics and in our daily life, when concerned citizens or also consumers discuss about Growth and/or Sustainability their arguments normally follow well defined...

Trump Warms up the Climate

Trump Warms up the Climate

  In an interview with The New York Times on 22nd November, Donald Trump declared, “Climate is a topic that I keep an eye on. I am open to any possibility. I imagine there is a link be...

It Takes an Integrated and Connected Knowledge

It Takes an Integrated and Connected Knowledge

The onslaught of bad news about the environment, poverty, unemployment, human rights abuses and the inability of policy makers to face up to global crises combined with the business-as-usual appro...

The Metamorphosis of Matter

The Metamorphosis of Matter

Ai Weiwei,Forever, 2014, Palazzo Cavalli-Franchetti, VeniceCourtesy of Berengo Studio and Lisson Gallery   Already the Dada avant guarde – in particolar Ducha...

Stages of Change

Stages of Change

While fossil fuels for energy production have been used for the past 250 years, their utilization to generate new materials and a plethora of plastics dates back to no more than a century ago. Ho...

When Plundering the Environment Becomes Big Business

When Plundering the Environment Becomes Big Business

Green corruption is the circular economy’s sworn enemy: its very anthitesis, its tombstone. A liquid enemy that feeds and grows on red tape inefficiencies and awful governance in the managemen...
