
Why Waste is Not Treated in the Same Way

Why Waste is Not Treated in the Same Way

To regularly ensure the best environmental results and the lowest costs for citizens, adequate waste treatment – from collection or where waste is generated, up to the end of the treatment pro...

Packaging Management System: Assessing a Tree by its Fruits

Packaging Management System: Assessing a Tree by its Fruits

In 1997, 80% of Italian urban waste was disposed of in landfills: an amount equal to about 22.3 million tonnes. In the same year, in Italy, the national average separate collection amounted to 9%: 1...

Waste Boundaries

Waste Boundaries

The hierarchy of waste management priorities has been in place – both at EU and national levels – for several years now. Against this legal framework, prevention is top of the list, but ...

WEEE: One Problem, Multiple Solutions

WEEE: One Problem, Multiple Solutions

  What we are holding in our hands is the latest technology, poised between our love for cutting-edge innovations and the anxiety for the temporal fragility of such ephemeral extraordinarine...

The Treasure Hidden in the Mines

The Treasure Hidden in the Mines

This article is condensed from the study Le miniere urbane dell’alluminio (Urban Mining of Aluminium) produced by CiAl – Consorzio imballaggi alluminio (Aluminium Packaging Consortium) (...

New Products for New Markets

New Products for New Markets

  EFIB2015 speaker, Marie Wheat of the United States Department of Agriculture, talks to Joanna Dupont-Inglis about the challenges and successes of developing the USDA BioPreferred® Prog...

The Circular Economy: A Work in Progress

The Circular Economy: A Work in Progress

For Europe, 2014 was supposed to be the year of the circular economy: a new paradigm to project development models for society and industry from now to 2050. Those hopes were doused at the end of la...

Bioeconomy: An Investment of 1 Euro Today Will Reap 10 Euro in 2025

Bioeconomy: An Investment of 1 Euro Today Will Reap 10 Euro in 2025

An investment of one euro in 2010 will generate a return of 10 euro in 2025. An investment of 35,000 euro into research and development over the same time frame will create one full-time job. This i...

Metamorphosis of a Consortium in a Changing Waste Economy

Metamorphosis of a Consortium in a Changing Waste Economy

Since its creation over 30 years ago, one of the Italian Mandatory Consortium for Used Oils’ assets has been the choice of its legal structure. The COOU has a private-law corporate structure, ...

How to Turn a Plastic Cup into a Scooter

How to Turn a Plastic Cup into a Scooter

Separate waste collection is similar to a football game. In the first half, the good is produced and consumed and then, if possible, it is sent to separate waste collection. In the second half, the...

The Future of Lego Bricks is Bio-Based

The Future of Lego Bricks is Bio-Based

Lego bricks of the future will be bio-based. The world’s largest toy manufacturer has decided to invest in research and development to find new, sustainable materials for the production of its...

How Circular Is Circular?

How Circular Is Circular?

In recent years, the circular economy has drawn increasing attention, so much so that today it has become a sort of slogan/symbol to describe environmentally-friendly changes made (or to make) to a ...

Pushing the Limits of Technology, Recognizing the Limits of Natural Resources

Pushing the Limits of Technology, Recognizing the Limits of Natural Resources

  “Being able to live well within natural limits is the great challenge of our century and it requires a change in development model. We must adopt a habit of production and conservati...

A Question of Fibre

A Question of Fibre

Not all fibres were made equal. With regard to paper, we are used to “noble” wood-derived cellulose, that a few decades ago came from virgin sources, but over the last few years has been...

Paper: Sustainability Enters the Production Cycle

Paper: Sustainability Enters the Production Cycle

Sustainable processes. It is not just a question of matter and energy, but often of methods and processes as well. This is a new approach taking hold in the management of industrial activities and o...

We Recyle Oil

We Recyle Oil

In the circular economy one of the most controversial sticking points is the supply of material to recycle or regenerate. As William McDonough outlines in this issue of Renewable Matter, waste shou...

700 for the Bioeconomy

700 for the Bioeconomy

  Promoted and organized by EuropaBio, representative association of European biotech and biobased industry, EFIB (European Forum on Industrial Biotech), has reached its eighth edition. Thi...

Joseph Beuys: Recognizing Nature's Intelligence

Joseph Beuys: Recognizing Nature's Intelligence

“For some time we still have the chance to freely come to a decision, that is following a different flow from the one we went through in the past. We still can decide to align our intelligence...

Remaking Will Change the Economy of Tomorrow

Remaking Will Change the Economy of Tomorrow

The Culture of Second-Hand Goods The culture of second-hand goods means sharing what we have now with those who owned it before and with those who will own it after us: both in space and time. And ...

Awakening the Sleeping Giant

Awakening the Sleeping Giant

In the past, a damaged object used to be mended. Clothes were patched, pots and working tools were repaired. End-of-life materials’ recycling was normal. The throwaway civilization, though, re...
