What is the Real Cost of Palm Oil Production?
It is used for everything and it is found everywhere: detergents, cosmetics, soaps, biscuits, snacks, ready-made meals, Nutella, ice creams. We are talking about palm oil, one of the world’s m...
It is used for everything and it is found everywhere: detergents, cosmetics, soaps, biscuits, snacks, ready-made meals, Nutella, ice creams. We are talking about palm oil, one of the world’s m...
On 2nd December 2015, the European Commission presented its new circular economy package containing a communication on the circular economy, together with a list of measures, and four legislative pr...
What Does the Concept of Bio-Based Economy Promise? The idea of creating a Bio-based Economy is exciting for the material sector: It promises to introduce new chemicals, building-blocks and polymer...
A production value of over €1.27 trillion and 7 million workers. These are the bioeconomy figures in Europe’s five major economies (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom and Spain) accor...
Fruit, vegetables, meat, coffee and egg residues. But also tissues and garden waste such as branches, leaves, grass and straw. This is all useful material to make compost, the natural organic fertil...
Emilia-Romagna is the first Italian region to have taken on, by law, the circular economy as the North Star of its waste policy with the aim of reducing mixed MSW production and recover as much matt...
Wachstum und Stabilität. Germany has based its economy on this formula since the Weimar Republic period. Growth and stability for a country that for years has been recognized as the driving for...
Focus Germany Germany holds an internationally leading position in the establishment of a bioeconomy. At the end of 2010 – as one of the first nations – your country p...
New vehicles design is increasingly searching for performance solutions linked to materials and fuel consumption. On the one hand, there is the need for continuously improving engine efficiency in o...
“Our strategy is inspired by a series of guidelines, starting from the protection of natural capital – an aspect that we take very seriously – and the management of natural resourc...
The fifth issue of Renewable Matter includes an interview with economist Mariana Mazzucato that reviews the current engines of innovation. She describes how public and private governa...
“Nothing grows out of diamonds. Out of dung, flowers do grow,” used to sing Fabrizio De André in 1967. Asking the poet’s for forgiveness, fifty years on we can go a step fur...
Adriana Varella and Nilton Malz, Digital DNA, Palo Alto (California), 2005. Photo by Wonderlane, graphic elaboration Nature does not generate waste: evolution has...
The circular economy concept is becoming increasingly widespread, but it is not easy to apply to the operational and everyday run of businesses. Indeed, by definition, the circular economy requires ...
The imposition of an uneven, forced modernization, on the one side; the retribution of archaic, systematic violence, on the other. In the Islamic world, a third way between these two extre...
The results of the graphic work presented herewith are editorial artefacts, produced in only one copy and on paper, magazines (Issue 0) in their own right, as a result of a workshop carried out betw...
ArtCOP21. The acronym implies an agenda of cultural events in Paris that is paving the way for the 21th round of negotiations about climate and is going to animate the capital of France as long as t...
It used to be an emergency, a public concern, a cost for the community. It is now becoming a resource, a shared benefit, an economic and employment opportunity. Waste is changing. Its nature, meanin...
In the EU, according to the web pages dedicated to waste, we currently use 16 tonnes of material per person per year, of which 6 tonnes become waste. In 2012, total waste amounted to 2.5 billion ton...
The traditional juxtaposition of environmental and common good’s issues stimulates some considerations on a possible systematic approach to the two themes within the general principles of a le...