climate change

Early Warning Systems: Tackling New Glacial Dangers through Prevention

In the unpredictable mountains, there is no such thing as zero risk. We have always known this. But now, because of global warming, the dangers have grown more severe. This can be understood by look...

Drought in Sicily: what’s happening?

Livestocks drink mud, lakes dry up, grain and forage harvests are down to zero. These are the shocking images coming recently from Sicily, in the midst of a drought emergency. These hardships a...

Why Beryl is the earliest Atlantic hurricane ever (and will not stay an isolated case)

Increasingly earlier, more intense and devastating, atlantic hurricanes, fuelled by steadily rising ocean temperatures, are becoming ever more dangerous and unpredictable. So much so that some ...

A report of the Bonn interim negotiations

In the evening of Thursday, June 13, the preparatory work of SB60 came to a close and, in the general discontent hovering at the World Convention Center in Bonn immediately following the close of th...