Circle Economy is a social enterprise organised as a cooperative that works with businesses and cities, to accelerate the practical and scalable implementation of the circular economy.

Water Resilience Initiative, institutional letter against the EU Commission's suspension

After being postponed in February, the European Commission has suspended the Water Resilience Initiative. Its submission has, in fact, been withdrawn from the agenda of the upcoming College of Commi...

Startup: RECO2, sustainable cobblestones out of industrial waste

Metallurgic, mining and glass scraps are transformed by a patented production process into Vytreum, a material used for outdoor flooring with characteristics comparable to current ceramic and c...

Motonormativity: underestimating cars' risks and pollution

The car: an extraordinary means of transportation whose danger we have forgotten. Of course, driving implies possessing a driving licence, but it has become an everyday act to such an extent that it...

Renewable Matter's sponsored articles

Transparency is one of the core values of Renewable Matter, which is why I want to clarify to our readers how we engage with advertising companies, while fully respecting our authority. The co...

Sustainable finance across Europe, Asia, and the United States: interviews from RM49

In each monographic issue of Renewable Matter, the Think Tank section is an opportunity to hear directly from the most prominent figures in the fields that, from time to time, we cover. Scienti...

Are the ESG Ratings Working?

Raise your hand if you have never heard of ESG ratings. At least since the introduction of environmental, social and governance factors into corporate financial analysis was popularized in 2006 by t...

Startup: Broccoli, the Sharefunding Platform for Sustainable Food Companies

“In the last two years, nothing has been more important on the agenda than our health and our climate impact. Issues that will not be resolved in the next century. However, we can have an impa...

Welcome to Post-Capitalism

Chico Mendes, a Brazilian trade unionist and environmentalist, is often credited with the phrase that “environmentalism without class struggle is just gardening.” In a world where the ri...

China: the year of the Dragon is the year of new productive forces

Now that the New Year festivities are over, all attention in China has shifted to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, where from March 4 to 11 the so-called Two Sessions (Liang Hui), the P...

Is e-commerce really more sustainable than stores?

Useful? Yes. Convenient? Maybe too much so. But as sustainability goes, e-commerce has never had a good reputation. Now, however, research wants to overturn the environmental bad reputation of ...

Startup, Beni: the Browser Extension that Promotes Second-hand Purchases

Beni is a browser extension that makes it easy to buy specific items of clothing second-hand. The extension works by intercepting online shopping searches and pointing users toward the same pro...

Althesys: "With a bolder NECP Italians would save 25 billion in bills"

We already knew it: the National Energy and Climate Plan (NECP), is far from ambitious. Rather, it is ambiguous on many points, since it refers to " technological neutrality" regarding energy source...

Circularity 24, the international benchmark event for the circular economy

Circularity 24 is the international benchmark event for circular economy professionals, an opportunity to grow the circularity community and accelerate concrete change in this direction. With more ...

EU, green light for the Nature Restoration Law and the Environmental Crime Directive

Action and deterrence, in one fell swoop. On the same day, February 27, 2024, the European Parliament passed two distinct historical measures for nature restoration and combating environmental ...

Climatiq, Real-time Data on the Carbon Footprint of Products and Companies

Founded in 2021 by Hessam Lavi, Philipp von Bieberstein, and Isis T. Baulig, Climatiq is an integrated carbon intelligence solution that allows companies to incorporate greenhouse gas emission ...

Key Energy: event schedule and dates of 2024 edition

KEY - The Energy Transition Expo, the most important European event dedicated to technologies, services, integrated solutions for energy efficiency and renewable energy in Italy, Africa and Southern...

Renewable Matter joins general strike on Friday, Feb. 23 for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Editorial statement The editorial staff of Renewable Matter joins the nationwide general strike called for the entire day of Friday, Feb. 23, 2024, involving workers in the public and private ...

Less is more? Degrowth, green growth and the future of our economy

Imagine a world where overwhelming narratives on climate change are a thing of the past, with healthy air, clean water and fertile soil. And no one’s had to suffer for it: people around the wo...

AMOC collapse is closer than expected: the consequences

The Atlantic Current circulation is getting closer and closer to collapse, and this could have devastating climate impacts. This is according to a study published in Science Advances that shows...

Startup: Smartex, Artificial Intelligence for a More Efficient and Sustainable Textile Industry

Smartex is the Portuguese company that, using artificial intelligence and machine learning, inspects fabrics in real time with precision and speed. Thanks to cameras, sensors, and a lighting system,...