Circle Economy is a social enterprise organised as a cooperative that works with businesses and cities, to accelerate the practical and scalable implementation of the circular economy.

Ready-for-use Digital Solutions with IBM

How can we accelerate the use of complex software to aid the ecological transition among businesses, governments, and international organizations? In Dubai, during COP28, Renewable Matter met w...

Giving New Life to Wooden Packaging

The wooden packaging recycling sector is not very well-known. Perhaps because it’s rarely disposed of at home, or because there are no dedicated bins or door-to-door collection, this type of w...

Carbonsink, Climate Action Starts with Forests

The fight against anthropogenic climate change can no longer be postponed. How, however, can businesses address that transition period required to move beyond a fossil fuel-based economy and achieve...

Startup: ZigZag, reverse logistics software to reduce returns and waste

Having witnessed a constant increase in returns over two decades of experience in the retail sector, Al Gerrie founded ZigZag on the knowledge that “depending on the product, fashion retailers...

Product sustainability leadership should embrace digital sustainability as well

Thanks to a growing body of research, we start to have a much better understanding of the environmental footprint of digital services, spanning data centres that host them, networks that carry them ...

Farmers explain the reasons behind their protest

We are nearly a month into the protests held by farmers all over Europe. Originating in Germany over a budget issue – the Scholz government, struggling with a 17 billion deficit, has cut fue...

From Novamont Mater-Bi films for compostable trays and capsules, even at home

New Mater-Bi films for food trays and capsules are now also compostable at home. The news was announced by Novamont at the 2024 edition of Marca, a modern organized distribution (DMO) trade show, wh...

European farmers’ protests show the need for a just transition to Net Zero

As many countries prepare to go to the polls in 2024, the need for a transition to Net Zero emissions has become a key political battleground. In Europe, the sustainability of farming practices is t...

Cement from chemical recycling of inert granulate, Nextchem-Colacem agreement

In a bid to tackle the environmental impact of cement production and bolster circularity within the construction sector, Nextchem and Colacem have sealed a groundbreaking agreement. The collaboratio...

Startup, solar energy against food waste with S4S Technologies

Much of India's rural population relies on small-scale farming for their income and livelihood. But each year about 30 percent of agricultural products are wasted before they leave the farms. ...

EU: 90% emissions cut by 2040, with the help of nuclear power but without that of agriculture

Net greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union are to be reduced by 90 percent by 2040 (compared to 1990 levels). This is the new climate target announced today, Feb. 6, by the EU Commission. I...

Lucart Finds Sustainability in the Balance Between Virgin and Recycled Cellulose

Some materials can be infinitely recycled. This, unfortunately, does not apply to paper, which is usually recycled up to a maximum of seven times. However, a recent study, carried out by Graz Univer...

Why are farmers protesting in Europe and the peculiarity of the Italian case

The images of a ravaged Place de Luxembourg, the elegant esplanade in front of the European Parliament building in Brussels, are already the symbol of the new wave of protests by the European f...

World Wetlands Day, the forgotten link to human well-being

The 2nd of February marks World Wetlands Day, in other words, lagoons, bogs, ponds, and lakes. Cradles of often endangered biodiversity covering only 6% of the Earth's surface, and yet these ecosyst...

Acque Bresciane: 1,500 Trees to Protect Peatland Biodiversity

On the 7th of October, an unusual scene played out on a marshland reserve in Northern Italy, on the banks of Lake Iseo in the foothills of the Alps. A team from Acque Bresciane – the util...

Startup, recycling polycotton and polyester fabrics with Circ

US company Circ, one of the finalists of the 2023 Earthshot Prize, has developed an innovative method to recycle polycotton through a technology that transforms fabrics back into the raw materi...

Rethinking Tourism Carbon Credits with the Help of AI

The carbon market sector is still, to this day, not sufficiently transparent. To offset one's carbon emissions, which are still roughly calculated, people buy credits whose real environmental impact...

Climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development: the key international meetings during 2024

2024 will be a key year for green finance, for the green transition, for advancing the UN Montreal-Kunming Agreement on Biodiversity, for strengthening multilateralism on sustainable development beg...

Circularity Gap Report 2024, a roadmap to lead the world towards the circular economy

Everyone is talking about it, but few actually practice it: while the circular economy is now a megatrend (considering the number of articles, reports and debates on the topic increased threefold in...

Startup, cutting-edge Reforestation Technology with Land Life Company

Land Life Company is a reforestation company that plants trees on a large scale, deploying innovative technologies and offering businesses a sustainable and transparent way to offset carbon emission...