Power to Imagination. The Radical Green Future of Ecotopia 2121

  Radical, visionary, eccentric, ironic, and firmly outside the box. Shamelessly, boldly and irreverently utopian. You can love it or hate it, but you can surely not remain indifferent to Al...

REbuild: To Decarbonise Construction We Need to Close the Loop

We need a paradigm shift, even in the construction sector. Deep, fast and pervasive. In one word, ground-breaking: or better “disruptive,” as the innovator’s jargon calls it. Innov...

Energiesprong: How to Transform 11,000 Apartments into Net Zero Energy Buildings

Sprong in Dutch means “leap forward.” In fact, a leap forward is exactly what Energiesprong has realised over the last few years in the residential housing construction and energy effici...

The Renewal Workshop - Unsold Clothing on Sale

Name: The Renewal Workshop Sector: Refurbishment and sale of clothing items Plus: Sale of renewed clothing obtained from items deemed unsaleable Characteristics: The Renewal...

RePack, the Packaging with Many Lives

Name: RePack Sector: Reusable packaging service Plus: Reusable and traceable Packaging through the take-back system allowing reuse for at least 20 deliveries Characteristics:&nbs...

Depolymerising Plastic with Gr3n

Name: Gr3n Sector: Technology for PET recycling Plus: Patented technology that uses microwave reactors in order to recycle PET, returning it to its original monomers Characterist...

Hello Tractor, Apps Enter the World of Agriculture

Name: Hello Tractor Sector: Sharing Economy Plus: An App that maps machinery present on a local level and optimises their use and sharing between farmers  Characteristics:&n...

European Parliament: Firmer Actions on the Circular Economy

In the first resolution, the European Parliament demanded all “worrying” chemicals contained in waste – according to Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 (REACH) – be traced and that...

Recommendations After the Collapse of a Bridge

In light of this, people should react differently to a tragedy such as that of Genoa’s Morandi Bridge and should be more careful when making statements. It is certainly not appropriate to expr...

Marx Reloaded

For over a century, social activists and trade-unions have battled for new rights, including those of women, and have fought for changes such as the universalisation of paid holidays and minimum wag...

Chile's Journey

Over the last few years, the circular economy has gained momentum in Latin America. Historically, Chile has based its economy on an agro-mining export model focused on the extraction and exploitatio...

New Model, Different Jobs

Cillian Lohan is Rapporteur of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) for the circular economy. His fundamental conviction that sustainable and resource efficient business models will eve...

The Sustainable Future of Labour

  Complexity is key to analysing employment’s social, economic and environmental challenges. This is a pivotal statement in the research and studies by Enrico Giovannini – an eco...

Moving from Endless Growth to Endless Jobs

In his famous book The Ecology of Commerce, Paul Hawken wrote: “[...] we have to look at how our present economic system consistently rewards short-term exploitation while penalising long-term...

Is the Circular Economy an Employment Driver?

Eight hundred million by 2030. This is not a new climate or energy target set by the international community, but the number of jobs that are expected to be lost by then. This labour squeeze will be...

New Jobs: How Many and of What Kind

Transitions are never easy, especially for those whose livelihoods are rooted in the models left behind. Drastic societal and economic changes have always caused fear of job losses, whilst often act...

Making Products Last

Recently, Lisa Jackson, Apple’s vice president of Environment, Policy and Social Initiatives, made an unnoticed but major statement. She announced that Apple’s goal was to eliminate the ...

The Future of Employment? It's Very Similar to its Past

Flexibility is the future of employment. Collaborative consumption will save the world. The internet is a democratic revolution. These are some of the enthusiastic statements that have marked our ec...

“Too Much Pessimism Over Europe”

  We are living in a time of strong evolution, great transformations and with a labour market that is changing fast, whilst economic growth remains rather slow. An unprecedented situation th...

Future-Proof Incubators: Between Work and Innovation

According to a recent global study,(1) incubators and accelerators that are connected to universities alone created over 70,000 jobs between 2017 and 2018, generating a revenue of $3.2 billion ...