Italian collectivesystems, an idea for the planet

Naturally, maps were kept hidden since they were one of the main instruments of power, the punishment for those who stole them was death; these object were precious and often a state secret. In the ...

A Strategy for the Environment

  Sergio Costa is the new Italian Minister of the Environment; he was nominated on the 1st of June of this year. He is considered one of the technical ministers of the 65th Italian governmen...

(Circular) Italy: Top of the Class

How is Italy doing in the huge circular economy challenge? The answer: not bad. This might come as a surpirse to some, but Italy is actually doing just fine. Better than many other EU countries. Per...

Bioeconomy in Italy: Adelante con Juicio

Adelante con juicio (Proceed with caution). Perhaps, the Italian Government draws inspiration from the 19th century writer Alessandro Manzoni’s famous novel “I Promessi Sposi” (The...

Capillary Circularity

Producing renewable energy automatically allows a company to be considered as a circular enterprise. What happens, however, when a large holding company in the energy sector, which has decided not t...

The Novamont Recipe

Circular economy, innovation, regeneration of territories. The Novamont recipe remains the same, but the scope widens. The company from Novara has created Celus-Bi from Mater-Bi, the mother of all b...

Ri-Generation: Renovating Objects and People

The Astelav Ri-Generation project was born to regenerate used household appliances. It is also an industrial initiative with a strong social profile. It’s different from a “repair caf&ea...

A Tyre's Sense in Music

Music is born out of silence. And silence can stem from a discarded tyre, after years spent squealing on tarmac. The project for the acoustic improvement of Parma’s Toscanini Auditorium, carri...

A Network for Circularity

To enhance knowledge of the principles and practices of the circular economy in the industrial system, Confindustria – the General Confederation of Italian Industry – is proposing a dedi...

Sustainable Water Management in Cities

The sustainable management of water resources is an extremely topical subject in today’s world. This is especially true in highly urbanised metropolitan areas, where land use and territorial f...

Conou, the First Roadshow Devoted to Businesses Has Kicked Off

CircOILeconomy aims to raise awareness on the proper management of used lubricating oil in the industrial world. The new project devised by Conou, the Italian consortium that deals with management, ...

Green and Circular Jobs

In the beginning there were eco-jobs, then jobs with a low carbon dioxide content, and finally green jobs. Now circular jobs have also appeared, explicitly referencing the circular economy dynamics....

The Land Where Oceans and Forests are at the Heart of the Bioeconomy

The Atlantic Ocean has played an extremely important role in the history of Portugal. As a glorious nation of seafarers, to this day the Portuguese look at the ocean as a central component to the de...

Battle to the Last Bottle: Canada vs Nestlé

Small blue and white houses, with picket fences freshly painted each season, their gardens filled with roses, birthroots and violets. Cars parked carefully in the driveways, beside manicured front l...

The European Race on GPP

To date, Italy is still Europe’s only country where Green Public Procurement (GPP) is compulsory: the boot-shaped country is a GPP textbook case. For over two years, all public procurements h...

Boosting Waste Diversion with Blockchain

Uttering the word “blockchain” within the technology sector will not cause fellow employees to bat an eye, instead they will probably start to delve into a deep discussion on this buzzin...

A Database for the Circular Economy

As the founder of the Circular Economy Club (CEC), it’s safe to say that Anna Tarí is as well placed as anyone to keep her finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the circular ...

CircE: an Interreg Europe Project Steering the Economy Towards a Circular Model

The Circular Economy (CE) is on the tip of the tongue of politicians and business representatives across the European continent and beyond. However, quite often the real issue hindering the developm...

The Construction Industry: Increasingly Green, Increasingly Circular

With estimated overall costs of about $135 billion for the insurance industry, 2017 represented the bleakest year in their history, mainly because of the compensation for damages caused by Hurricane...

Grid-Interactive Buildings: Good for Business and the Environment

Grid-interactive buildings are designed to create lower, flatter, flexible load shapes which reduce operating costs for the building owner. They can also provide services to the grid such as demand ...