Urban Metabolism: the city as a living organism is circular by nature

Urban metabolism is an approach that first of all requires starting from a vision: regarding cities as a living organism. It’s not mere philosophical speculation, there are practical reasons to ad...

Denmark invests 11 billion euros in the world's first green ammonia plant

The Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Program (EUDP) awards 81 million DKK (app. 11 billion €) to the green ammonia project managed by the three partners Skovgaard Invest, Ves...

Searching for the circular car

Creating a platform for all the players in the automotive supply chain that relies on field knowledge, partnerships, funding and creativity to develop the technologies and business models of the car...

When design helps to develop an end-of-life experience

In the context of product life cycles and the circular economy, the phrase "end of life" typically refers to the point at which a product or service has reached the conclusion of its use by a consum...

Biofuels and oil refineries: Biden’s turnaround?

According to the International Press Agency Reuters, President Joe Biden’s administration, under pressure from labor unions and U.S. senators including from his home state of Delaware, is consider...

Circular Cities: the Rotterdam Strategy

The Netherlands have set themselves rather challenging circular goals where cities play a key role in such transition. Rotterdam, with its port and industries, outlined a pathway up to 2030 that wil...

Metropolis 2052. The future belongs to circular cities

Forced to watch it from balconies and windows, a city, to those who have experienced urban lockdown, appeared as an unknown and largely misunderstood object. In the frenzy of production, a kaleidosc...

World Environment Day: conservation is no longer enough, it’s time for restoration

The year 2021 started with some news that mostly went unnoticed, as, after all, did many other things in a pandemic-dominated year-long news cycle. A study published in Nature estimated that the mas...

WEEE: illegal trade of electronic waste must be stopped to achieve EU goals

Countries in the European Union collect and recover more end-of-life electrical and electronic devices than the rest of the world. This work, however, is still not sufficient to achieve the recyclin...

Turkey like China: stop to the import of plastic waste

It’s Turkey’s turn to be tired of accepting plastic waste from Europe. With an amendment published on May 18th in the Official Gazette, the Turkish Ministry of Commerce has banned the import of ...

Sustainable products for the future with version 4.0 of Cradle to Cradle Certified

Designing and manufacturing sustainable products that will nourish a healthy, equitable and circular tomorrow: that's the goal of Cradle to Cradle Certified, a global standard rooted in the Cradle t...

Predictive maintenance: predicting the future while saving resources

An error, a failure, a sudden malfunction. Imagining the unexpected is the goal of the predictive maintenance system that provides manufacturing companies with a prediction of a future failure of ph...

Remanufacturing: a vast untapped potential for circularity

In recent months, policies and initiatives at the European and global level have emphasised the potential of remanufacturing as the key model for the circular economy, useful in extending the lifesp...

What We Waste: 41 billion bottles and cans are littered every year in Europe

There are over 41 billion plastic and glass bottles and beverage cans that every year, in Europe, escape the recycling circuit and end up in landfills, incinerators or, worse, in rivers and the sea....

Between work automation and ecological transition, data on the future of green jobs

New economy, new jobs. This is the equation that has been in vogue ever since Henry Ford produced the first mass-produced car on an assembly line in Detroit in 1908, a car that sold over 15 million ...

Second-hand IPOs and the Slow Down of Fast Fashion

Buying second-hand is nothing new. From thrift shops to car boot sales, the options for people looking to capitalise on turning possessions into cash are littered throughout history. But second-hand...

To face complexity, we need to rediscover awareness of the limitations

Embracing complexity implies widening one's field of vision and learning to understand and consider the interconnections between phenomena, even those that seem too distant to matter. It also means ...

New Zealand introduces the first law in the world on transparency for sustainable finance

“New Zealand has become the first country to introduce a law that will require banks, insurers and investment managers to report the impacts of climate change on their business.” This was stated...

Clothing recycling: the first automated plant for textile waste is in Sweden

Textile and fashion industry have a huge circular potential that has yet to be developed. One of the main issues currently holding back the application of the circular economy in this sector is sort...

The rise of the corporate circular economy professional

"Circular economy" was the fastest rising skill among all LinkedIn users in 2019, according to GreenBiz’s State of the Profession Report. Although the circular economy’s momentum is undeniable, ...