More Shadows Than Light on the Future of Food in Europe

Not enough care for the climate and biodiversity, and an imbalance that favours larger farms that aim to perpetuate industrial approaches. This, in short, is the assessment of European trade associa...

LanzaTech and Twelve partnered to produce world’s first polypropylene from CO2

Carbon transformation company Twelve and biotechnology company LanzaTech partnered to transform CO2 emissions into polypropylene, a key polymer used for medical devices including syringes and IV bag...

Circular Economy in the hospitality industry

The hospitality sector consumes 5% of global water use, emits 1% of global GHG emissions and accounts for 20% of the tourism industry total carbon emissions. Hospitality private actors overwhelmingl...

Climate change: why activists are putting a premium on insurers

Small talk needs a new conversation starter. As weather events batter people, property and productivity from sea to rising sea, the physical reality of the connection between weather and climate cha...

The Slum Economy: an alliance between circular and informal

According to the United Nations, today, over a billion and a half people live in informal settlements and by 2030 that figure could soar to 3 billion. So, the issue of future circular cities is inex...

Foooood! Eating is a political act

Every time we lift our fork to our mouth, we do so with blind faith toward the products we have on our plate. The hygiene of food supply chains is ever more guaranteed by stringent protocols, the ca...

The Wizard and the Prophet or How to Feed 10 Billion People

The future of our planet depends on the approach we choose to solve problems. As Charles C. Mann illustrates in his latest book, The Wizard and The Prophet, there are two dominant visions: one, that...

Global Chemical Leasing Award 2021: live streaming on September 15th

The fifth Global Chemical Leasing Award ceremony will be held on 15 September 2021 from 15:00 to 14:45, CEST (Austria, UTC+2). This year’s live event will be organized in a hybrid format: it will ...

Why Every Roof in Japan Could Have Solar Panels Soon

In line with their ambitious 2030 emissions reduction goal, Japan seeks to expand its national solar power generation capacity. By doing this, the densely populated nation may soon see every house, ...

A new Eu policy for sustainable product

The EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan 2020 strives to bring about a green transition of the European economy. It looks at the entire life cycle of products and their materials, from design to end-...

Can developing countries benefit from the circular economy?

Developing countries have not benefited from the linear economy, the economy in which goods are manufactured from raw materials, sold, used, and then discarded as waste. They have poor access to che...

Rental: a New Frontier for the Great Outdoors

There are a growing number of companies providing various options for outdoor or alpine sports equipment rental, in Europe and elsewhere. They offer a new way to save money while being respectful of...

Sustainability in two dimensions: it’s time for graphene and 2D materials

The future may be two-dimensional. At least, the future of materials. Since 2004, when the two Russian physicists Gejm and Novosëlov succeeded in isolating the first monoatomic layer of graphene, ...

Mottainai! Inside the Tokyo Olimpics’ circularity strategy

There are plenty of serious stories to cover in the run-up to the Olympics between the pandemic, record temperatures so high they’re making beach volleyball courts unplayable and, apparently, rogu...

How a holistic waste management system could cut CO2 emissions

The optimization of the waste management system worldwide could cut down 2.76 billion tons of CO2 per year, or 5% of total global emissions. It’d basically be as effective as grounding all commerc...

Digital Tech & Sustainability Combine for Harmonious Territorial Development

Data collection, coordination between different urban infrastructures, support to decision-making processes: these are the sectors in which digital and sustainability technologies can provide crucia...

USA: the introduction of the COMPOST Act is a major step forward for soil conservation

Without soil there is not agriculture and without agriculture there is not bioeconomy. The USA celebrates the introduction of the Cultivating Organic Matter through the Promotion of Sustainable Tech...

Circular cities and the informal economy: Africa is now hungry for data

The spread of circular economy practices and principles in developing countries often runs up against the obstacle of a lack of data. The problem grows even bigger when working in informal contexts,...

Sustainability travels by train

The rail sector is changing and becoming ever greener, by reducing fuel consumption and emissions, introducing new technologies like hydrogen engines, and focusing on the circularity of processes an...

Sustainability in Packaging Europe conference returns to Barcelona in November 2021

Following on from last year's hugely successful online event and the 2019 in-person event which attracted over 500 attendees, Sustainability in Packaging Europe plans to return to Barcelona across t...