Italy: Compost is Catching up
Collection of the organic fraction continues to grow in Italy. This gives us a profile of excellence compared to the rest of Europe, and in some cases such as Milan, even compared to the rest of t...
Collection of the organic fraction continues to grow in Italy. This gives us a profile of excellence compared to the rest of Europe, and in some cases such as Milan, even compared to the rest of t...
According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), in 2014 air transport produced 715 million tons of CO2 (689 in 2012), about 2% of climate-change gases. Not a negligible share. There...
It is a deal between agriculture and chemistry, local and global markets, environmental and production interests. An agreement, not a compromise, because the challenge of Matrìca, the joint...
Armando Testa, Pirelli Elephant, 1954 ©Pirelli Ecopneus has come a long way in less than three years. It is a not-for-profit consortium business made up of...
Just think of localized and distributed generation of electricity. Such is the case of a family installing a photovoltaic system on the roof of its house, thus becoming a power prosumer, i.e. it p...
A huge wholly-Italian open air biorefinery, where wheat, rice, corn, sorghum, tomatoes are grown (and refined) and cows, pigs, calves and sheep are bred. And where the residues of agricultural pro...
If the creation of an award is a sign of the maturity of a sector, and considering that “Bio-based Material of the Year” has now reached its eighth edition, then the bio-based material s...
“Nature and its design are an inexhaustible source of inspiration for science and designers. Its shapes, materials and complexity offer great inspiration.” These were the words of Jani...
Meant as a report for the British government in 2009, Prosperity without Growth is back in the bookstores in a completely revised new edition. In such volume, Tim Jackson, professor of Sus...
In 1987, Michael Braungart – a chemistry graduate – founded EPEA, the Environmental Protection Encouragement Agency based in Hamburg, of which he is currently CEO. For over twe...
A Country aspiring to have a circulating car fleet no longer powered by fossil fuels by 2030. A national chemical industry that – by the same year – aims at becoming totally oil free. A ...
Previously published in Swiss ECS, NZZ-Verlagsbeilage, 18 September 2017 ( The circular economy offers transformative mitigation opportunities t...
World GBC, acronym for Green Building Council, is one the leading global association whose goal is to make the building sector sustainable. Born in 1999 in California, with member organizations in o...
While an increasingly vehement debate is still ongoing over the failure to remove debris and rubble in the Municipalities of Central Italy hit by the quake a little over a year ago, a Region –...
Some figures first of all. At the moment, in Italy, there are 7,123 kilometres of motorways, 24,241 kilometres of state roads, 154,948 kilometres of provincial roads and 1.3 million kilometres of co...
Arup and Royal BAM have been recently exploring the benefits and business opportunities that Circular Business Models (CBMs) offer to stakeholders within the built environment sector. This research ...
From car wheels to horses’ hooves the step is shorter that you might think. To help close the gap is a project that thanks to an innovative use of recycled rubber from end-of-life tyres (ELTs)...
Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, has recently defined Umicore as “great example of a company that has completely reinvented itself to m...
The atmosphere is a community asset that belongs to all of us. The problem is that it is currently an open access resource – anyone can emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere with no ...
The story of the Landbell Group begins in 1995 with the advent of “take-back” policies: the set of measures that introduced the obligation for producers to recycle the packaging material...