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NatureMetrics is accelerating the use of molecular methods for species and ecosystem monitoring, to assess environmental impacts, and to conserve and restore natural habitats. The molecular method of DNA barcoding allows the English startup to identify species present in environmental DNA (eDNA) samples collected from water, sediments, or soil, providing a complete assessment of biological diversity.

"When we say biodiversity, we are talking about something complex," NatureMetrics Founder Director Kat Bruce tells Renewable Matter. "If we rush to seek out solutions that do not account for this complexity, we end up not solving the real problems. The complexity exists, and it is not about getting around it, but rather finding a way to manage it." NatureMetrics has found in eDNA an important development for managing this complexity: the system makes it possible to obtain detailed data on the basic level of biodiversity and the changes in a biological community in response to management practices.

Through these measurement tools, local stakeholders can easily carry out sampling for continuous monitoring and carry out landscape-level surveys, such as the study that the company undertook on behalf of WWF on samples originating from the Peruvian Amazon, in which 675 species of vertebrate fauna were identified. The technique is not invasive, yet it is more accurate, cheaper, and requires less work compared to traditional survey methods.

The Nature Intelligence platform, powered by eDNA, allows companies to make better decisions for nature, converting the complexity of collected data into simple information. The subscription service allows companies to measure, report, and publish a complete picture of their environmental impacts at scale and to promote effective biodiversity management.






eDNA and biodiversity metrics


Scalable biodiversity metrics to accelerate financing for nature


End-to-end solutions for biodiversity monitoring and environmental impact reporting


Image: Envato