
COP16 Biodiversity, progress on DSI, the mechanism for sharing genetic resources

How can territories be rewarded for the commercial exploitation of plant and animal biodiversity in the fields of medicine, chemistry, food or materials, using these economic resources to protect bi...

Startup, protecting forests and indigenous communities in the Andes with Acción Andina

The 7,000-kilometer-long Andes Mountains, which make up only 1% of the earth's surface, are home to a rich and diverse ecosystem. There are 15% of all plant and wildlife species, including more than...

Wang Yao: This is How China Finances Biodiversity

China is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world. Its 960 million hectares of land include mountain ranges (such as the Himalayas) and plateaus, vast deserts and immense grasslands, boreal...

Air quality networks can also monitor biodiversity around the world

Sixth mass extinction and climate crisis, unfortunately, go hand in hand, but they are not the same thing. When we speak of mass extinction, we are referring to the massive loss of biodiversity on a...

Panamericana and biodiversity, empathy can save the world

It has been almost 2 years since the 15th of July 2022 when I took the plane that allowed me to verify with my own eyes, how much and in which form human activities are changing, sometimes irreparab...

Climate, biodiversity, and sustainable development: the key international meetings during 2024

2024 will be a key year for green finance, for the green transition, for advancing the UN Montreal-Kunming Agreement on Biodiversity, for strengthening multilateralism on sustainable development beg...

Ten words for 2024

Another year has come to an end. There are those who reflect on these past twelve months while others prefer to look to the year ahead. We of Renewable Matter, who by nature are always looking ...

Restoration Law: there is an agreement, but it is still far from what science requires

Late in the evening of Thursday, November 9, 2023, negotiators from the Parliament, Commission and Council reached a tentative political agreement on the European law on nature restoration. After a ...