
EU: 90% emissions cut by 2040, with the help of nuclear power but without that of agriculture

Net greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union are to be reduced by 90 percent by 2040 (compared to 1990 levels). This is the new climate target announced today, Feb. 6, by the EU Commission. I...

Waste Management Europe 2024 will be held in Bergamo

Waste Management Europe is a reference event in the trade fair panorama linked to the theme of Circular Economy which brings together political decision-makers, global organizations and innovative s...

EPR for automotive? Design Them Better!

After months of debate and heated discussions on fuels – diesel, petrol and e-fuel – something new is emerging in the automotive sector. “Better designs” is the indicati...

Restoration Law: there is an agreement, but it is still far from what science requires

Late in the evening of Thursday, November 9, 2023, negotiators from the Parliament, Commission and Council reached a tentative political agreement on the European law on nature restoration. After a ...