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Of This House Nothing Will Go to Waste

Building and refurbishing buildings through a closed-loop marketplace based on surplus and reusable materials, this is the idea behind Enviromate. Created by Reiss Salustro-Pilson and Nigel Van Wass...

The Case of Eco-Tiles

At first glance it seems like any terrazzo tile but it actually is a mix of cement and building waste: shingle fragments, broken bricks, ceramic shards. So far EcoTiles – that is the name of t...

The Links of a New Economy for Italy and Europe

Where is it that the circular economy knits together with the ethical economy? To casual observers – those interpreting recovery and recycling of materials exclusively taking into account only...

400 Million Pounds in 4 Years from Biotechnology

– from our partners –   Industrial Biotechnology (IB) is the process of using natural resources to create new chemicals and ingredients; taking micro-organisms and enzymes to...

World Efficiency Supports the Low-Carbon and Resource-Efficient Economy

– from our partners –   This year, World Efficiency Solutions is taking on a whole new dimension, offering professionals from all countries and sectors involved in combating ...

New Rules for Reach and Waste

European regulations, interpretative documents and operational guidelines are crucial tools for decision makers, companies and private citizens who cannot ignore “the rules of the game” ...

The Superpig's Lesson

The story line revolves around Okja, the name given to a species of genetically-engineered superpig, created in the labs of a company (fictitious, but only up to a point, since it is clearly a parod...

What Have a Wheel and a Jacket Got in Common?

This means that, when no longer used, the jacket is completely recyclable thanks to some simple operations which restore the initial raw material. And it does not look bad either. This is a fundamen...

2016: Rm Renews Itself Along With Matter

On Twitter, @MRinnovabile profile reached 1,000 and now it gets 2 new followers every day: on a sample of 100 tweets, between 10th and 17th December 2015, the number of accounts potentially rea...

Children Will Invent a Green Future

  Gunter Pauli, an entrepreneur, economist, ecologist, Blue economy inventor and one of the promoters of the Kyoto Protocol, is very critical of COP21 in Paris: he has solutions devised over...

The Man Who Rethinks Buildings

Victor Olgyay ©BompanEmanuele   Boulder, Colorado. Mountains half-surround this small city at the feet of the Rocky Mountains. Not far away shine the higher peaks, ...

45 and Still Going Strong

  It is a “common” symbol, a recognized iconic object that is part of our pre-ecological imagery. By the way, for graphic designers such symbol is defined as “trademark&rdq...

Leading Big in Corporate Social Responsibility: A Systems View

Researchers at the Stockholm Resilience Center call it the “Great Acceleration”. It’s a surge that has been observed since the 1950s in the data of population, exploitation of reso...

What is the Real Cost of Palm Oil Production?

It is used for everything and it is found everywhere: detergents, cosmetics, soaps, biscuits, snacks, ready-made meals, Nutella, ice creams. We are talking about palm oil, one of the world’s m...

The Complete Package?

On 2nd December 2015, the European Commission presented its new circular economy package containing a communication on the circular economy, together with a list of measures, and four legislative pr...

How to Shape The Next Level of The European Bio-Based Economy?

What Does the Concept of Bio-Based Economy Promise? The idea of creating a Bio-based Economy is exciting for the material sector: It promises to introduce new chemicals, building-blocks and polymer...

1.27 Trillion Euro: That's How Much the Bioeconomy is Worth in the EU5

A production value of over €1.27 trillion and 7 million workers. These are the bioeconomy figures in Europe’s five major economies (Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom and Spain) accor...

Compost Makes its Entrance

Fruit, vegetables, meat, coffee and egg residues. But also tissues and garden waste such as branches, leaves, grass and straw. This is all useful material to make compost, the natural organic fertil...

Regions and the Circular Economy

Emilia-Romagna is the first Italian region to have taken on, by law, the circular economy as the North Star of its waste policy with the aim of reducing mixed MSW production and recover as much matt...

Will Berlin Be the Global Capital of the Bioeconomy?

Wachstum und Stabilität. Germany has based its economy on this formula since the Weimar Republic period. Growth and stability for a country that for years has been recognized as the driving for...