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During the press conference Meloni fails to talk about climate, and neither do journalists

The press conference with Giorgia Meloni lasted over three hours and there was not a single mention of the climate crisis. There were more than 40 questions from reporters to the Prime Minister...

Startup, Leko Labs: Wood for Construction Powered by AI and Robotics

Leko Labs, which describes itself as a “carbon-negative construction company”, has developed a new system for walls and flooring based exclusively on wood and wood fibre that could ...

Ten words for 2024

Another year has come to an end. There are those who reflect on these past twelve months while others prefer to look to the year ahead. We of Renewable Matter, who by nature are always looking ...

Africa is Working on an Ultimate Producer Responsibility

When second-hand goods cross EU borders, the EPR fees associated with them are often retained by the exporting countries. This deprives importing countries of the ade quate financial support to hand...

Startup: Restor’s Open Maps Highlight Forest Restoration Potential

“Forest restoration alone has the potential to cut approximately 30% of carbon emissions and prevent approximately 60% of forecast biodiversity loss, all while improving food security for over...

Growing Responsible in Toyland

In the pink year of Barbie, talk of the environmental impact of toys is back on the table. Alongside the diatribes about the glossy feminist message of Greta Gerwig's film, the sales figures of the ...

Startup: EcoEx, the Digital Platform That Certifies EPR Compliance in India

Indian EPR legislation for “Plastic Waste Management Rules”, approved in 2016, asserts the responsibility of producers, importers, and trademark owners to ensure the treatment of their w...

Here is how countries will have to allocate climate resources after COP28

*from Dubai   The equation is simple: if you want to decarbonise the economy, it will not be enough to have a final text here at COP28 calling for the phase-out of all fossil fuels, with emis...

Climate racism is the absentee at COP28 negotiations

*from Dubai   Ecological transition, decarbonization, forest protection, carbon markets. For civil society, these key elements in the fight against climate change often have a double face. Wh...

Is capturing CO2  necessary for the climate or for fossil fuel companies?

Will COP28 be the showdown or the beginning of the payback for the oil&gas sector? With a record number of 2,456 accredited individuals associated with the oil&gas sector (among them, 34 fro...

Startup, Coffee Pod Recycling in the UK with Podback

Podback is a not-for-profit UK-based coffee pod recycling service. Created by major pod manufacturers like Nespresso, Nescafé Dolce Gusto, and Tassimo, it is the first cross-sector schem...

Climate Finance and the Paris Agreement, how everything fits together

On Monday, December 4th, during COP28, a thematic day on climate finance took place to assess what is the current situation and, more importantly, which are the long-term prospects of a key mechanis...

COP28, Declaration for sustainable agriculture and resilient food systems

A milestone in climate action, with the hope that global commitment swiftly translates into tangible measures: On Friday, December 1st, the COP28 Presidency announced the historic signing of a decla...

COP28, the time of truth for the oil and gas industry

"I ask you to adopt a different way of thinking and be flexible." "We need to find a common ground" and take "a path that is wide enough for everyone," "an unconventional path." "What is needed now ...

COP28 has established the Loss and Damage Fund

A few hours into the start of COP28 – albeit 30 years since small island states began advocating for its creation – the Loss and Damage Fund has been established and will be operational ...

Everything you need to know about COP28, spelled out by a veteran of climate negotiations

The Pope's COP28, the oilmen's COP28, the last COP to save the goal of 1.5° C, the COP of adaptation, the COP28 of failure and hope. There are many interpretations, almost divinatory, to be made...

Lavazza Introduces the First Circular Transition Centre for Coffee

The time has come for the coffee sector to finally become circular, and the right synergies are needed to accelerate the transition. This is the focus of the new Centre for Circular Economy in ...

Startup: umbrellas and eyeglasses, a second life for cigarette butts

Re-Cig is a company that operates in seventeen of Italy’s twenty regions for the collection and recovery of cigarette stubs. Based in Rovereto (Trento), at the Progetto Manifattura hub, Re-Cig...

Automotive, Stellantis focuses on circular economy with a new hub in Turin

The Stellantis Group has decided to focus on circularity. They announced it a year ago, and the official ribbon-cutting day came on November 23. The first hub in Europe dedicated to the automotive c...

EPR for automotive? Design Them Better!

After months of debate and heated discussions on fuels – diesel, petrol and e-fuel – something new is emerging in the automotive sector. “Better designs” is the indicati...