
The Invisible Thread. Textile and Outdoor Industry towards Circularity

The Invisible Thread. Textile and Outdoor Industry towards Circularity

The textile industry makes a significant contribution to the global economy, with over 430 million workers worldwide. A thriving market in constant growth. But while the volume of business grows, th...

Hydrogen Future

Hydrogen Future

The Clean Hydrogen industry can avoid 82 million-ton CO2 emissions per year in the EU and create 140,000-170,000 jobs: a vital contribution to the European Green Deal.Carbon Neutrality is not achiev...

RenewAfrica, the public-private partnership for renewable energy in Africa

RenewAfrica, the public-private partnership for renewable energy in Africa

The Agenda 2030 makes it clear: in order to achieve a fair and sustainable development, it is necessary to build alliances that see public and private stakeholders collaborating towards the pursuit ...

Going Full Throttle with Biofuels

Going Full Throttle with Biofuels

Along with the construction and manufacturing sectors, transport is still a top priority for decarbonisation strategies. According to the World Resource institute’s data for 2020, cars (including ...

Smart City Live 2020: what cities should do in the new normal scenario?

Smart City Live 2020: what cities should do in the new normal scenario?

Covid-19 has turned everything inside out. In cities, too. The pandemic has left an indelible mark on the outlook of the urban coat and is forcing city officials to rethink urban development to adap...

Circular Economy for Food: Value Connections Amongst Food, Humankind, and the Planet

Circular Economy for Food: Value Connections Amongst Food, Humankind, and the Planet

Those dealing with macro scenarios know these numbers all too well: in 2050, in order to feed 9.1 billion people, food availability will have to increase by about 70% (benchmarked against 2005 basel...

Energy poverty in Africa: the time to act is now

Energy poverty in Africa: the time to act is now

It is called energy poverty, and it is considered one of the most limiting conditions for human development. The difficulty of individuals and families in accessing reliable energy services, in fact...

Travelling Light. Will the New Tourism be Circular?

Travelling Light. Will the New Tourism be Circular?

Canadian poet Anne Carson once said that “the only rule of travel is: don't come back as you left. Come back different”. Today, this idea could be applied to the concept of travel itself. Consum...

Tourism is Dead, Long Live Tourism

Tourism is Dead, Long Live Tourism

The global tourism industry is vast, complex and critical to many local and national economies. Until recently, it represented a tenth of global employment and 7% of global exports. A mix of supply ...

Circular Antivirus

Circular Antivirus

We’re facing the greatest economic crisis in history. But the wise always know how to turn a difficult time into a moment of opportunity. This is the first time we have had such a chance to rethin...

The circular economy and the European Green Deal

The circular economy and the European Green Deal

According to anthropologists, around 12 000 years ago at the dawn of the Neolithic Revolution, when humans ceased hunting and gathering, there may have been between 2 and 20 million people living on...

Beyond the Lockdown

Beyond the Lockdown

In the United States there are 36 million people already out of work. In Europe, by the end of May, 60 million could, be laid off or suffer a sharp reduction in salary. In the rest of the world over...

Falling in Love with SDG’s and the New Green Deal

Falling in Love with SDG’s and the New Green Deal

Ladeja Godina Košir is the Chair of CG of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP), Founder & Executive Director of Circular Change and co-leader of the Research Group Circula...

The Return to a Green-Thinking Italy

The Return to a Green-Thinking Italy

Within the first 100 days, Timmermans will have to present the first European law on climate. Additionally, he will have to follow the existing circular economy pathway, continuing the push for fina...

Is it Always Circular to Turn a Product into a Service?

Is it Always Circular to Turn a Product into a Service?

As more companies begin to explore alternatives to the linear “sell it and forget it” business model, Product as a Service (PaaS) is gaining traction.One of the five core business models to enab...

A Circular Green New Deal

A Circular Green New Deal

This coloured history includes Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, a work of literary and personal discovery, John Muir’s conservationism, Rachel Carson’s denouncement of pesticides in Silent Spring...

Onwards Europe!

Onwards Europe!

We are encountering a global sustainability crisis that has three dimensions: the climate crisis, the biodiversity crisis and the crisis caused by the overuse of natural resources. For tackling thes...



  Coupled with stark warnings issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report last October on the impact of 1.5C and 2C warming above pre-industrial levels, and the dev...

The Time is Now: Investing in a Climate Emergency Plan

The Time is Now: Investing in a Climate Emergency Plan

Coupled with stark warnings issued by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report last October on the impact of 1.5C and 2C warming above pre-industrial levels, and the devastating e...

Europe on the Edge

Europe on the Edge

Polls in early March told a story of ultra-nationalist, sovereigntist and even openly neo-fascist parties gathering widespread political support. From the Visegràd Group to Lega Nord in Italy...
