Simone Fant

Freelance journalist. He covers climate, environment, and circular economy with in-depth reporting and investigations. At Renewable Matter, he writes and hosts the weekly podcast 5 Circular News. A two-time grantee of the Journalism fund's investigative journalism program, in 2022 he won the Fenice CONAI award for young environmental journalism.

Critical minerals, are volcanoes the mines of the future?

Soufrière Hills is a 1,467-metre volcano that dominates the Caribbean Island of Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles archipelago. Following a series of devastating eruptions between 1995 and 199...

Textile waste, the industry on alert: "Without aid, only incineration is left"

Unless adequate incentives and policies are put in place, companies that collect and sort used clothing risk collapse. This is the warning issued by EuRIC, the European association of recyclers...

Energise Europe: interview with Kadri Simson, EU Energy Commissioner

During her five years as Energy Commissioner in Brussels, Kadri Simson faced one of the most complex and decisive periods in European energy history. The feat of cutting off Russian gas supplies; fe...

"Biodegradable" tableware violates plastic pollution regulation

This is the second article of the three-part series Bioplastic: green innovation or another plastic problem? an international investigation jointly published by Renewable Matter ‒ a...

AMOC collapse is closer than expected: the consequences

The Atlantic Current circulation is getting closer and closer to collapse, and this could have devastating climate impacts. This is according to a study published in Science Advances that shows...

The "sustainable" bioplastic that pollutes Bangkok's air

This is the first article of the three-part series Bioplastic: green innovation or another plastic problem? an international investigation jointly published by Renewable Matter ‒ along with Eu Obs...

Satellites Watch Over Us from Above

On November 3, 2023, a 6.4 magnitude earthquake struck Karnali province in western Nepal. Immediately after receiving the news, the Nepalese Ministry of Home Affairs asked Sentinel Asia to send...

Lavazza Introduces the First Circular Transition Centre for Coffee

The time has come for the coffee sector to finally become circular, and the right synergies are needed to accelerate the transition. This is the focus of the new Centre for Circular Economy in ...

2030 World Cup: the environmental impact of an event across three continents

“We will have a unique global footprint, three continents and six countries welcoming and uniting the world while celebrating together the beautiful game.” These are the words spoken by ...

Water Utilities, the Italian technological mission in the Netherlands

Dutch water management is well known worldwide for its efficiency, with water losses (the so-called Non Revenue Water) not exceeding 5% of the water supplied. Learning from the best is always valuab...

Apple Watch: concerns about carbon neutrality and accusations of climate-washing

On September 12, Apple declared its new Apple Watch to be carbon neutral. It did so with a powerful and quite acclaimed video in terms of corporate and environmental communication. A five minut...

For Italian Businesses, Investing in the Circular Economy Pays Off

For Italian businesses, environmental sustainability and the circular economy have become lucrative assets worth investing in. This is supported by the analysis of the second CleanTech Observatory c...

The new version of the Circularity Platform, the digital tool to accelerate the circular transition

Circularity's Circularity Platform changes its look and updates its digital services to make companies more circular. The 2018 version aimed to broaden the scope of collaboration between companies w...

Delicius, the Sustainable Anchovies

The sea is the only source of supply for the fishing industry, and its protection should be the core of any and all activity in this sector. Fish sampling methods and water health are among the fact...

Circular Economy Hotspot coming to Dublin on 29th May

Having reached its seventh edition, the Circular Economy Hotspot has become one of the flagship events in the circular economy calendar. It is an opportunity to highlight successful circular initiat...

Helsinki is ready for the 2023 World Circular Economy Forum

The World Circular Economy Forum 2023 (WCEF) is set to take place in Finland between 30 May and 2 June. The foremost international forum on the circular economy will bring together in Helsinki the m...

Sustainable Tourism and Green Certifications: an Overview

Tourism, like other sectors, is experiencing a boom in green certifications. Globally, there are 150 certificates assessing the sustainability of tourism activities such as hotels, resorts, res...

COP27, farmers demand funds for food security

Fires, floods, desertification and prolonged droughts. These are all extreme weather events that threaten the food security of the entire planet. Therefore, funds and adaptation measures are urgentl...

Polysilicon: the Chinese domain that violates Uyghur rights

Just by looking carefully at a handful of sand, and armed with a magnifying glass, sparkling, spiky grains can be seen. That is quartz sand, or silicon in its oxidized state. Counting for nearly 30 ...

For a more Sustainable and Traceable Olive Oil: Monini's Journey

Olive cultivation is showing itself to be particularly vulnerable to the effects of the climate crisis. The supply chain, therefore, needs to rethink its production model, one that protects the soil...