Simone Fant

Freelance journalist. He covers climate, environment, and circular economy with in-depth reporting and investigations. At Renewable Matter, he writes and hosts the weekly podcast 5 Circular News. A two-time grantee of the Journalism fund's investigative journalism program, in 2022 he won the Fenice CONAI award for young environmental journalism.

Circularity at Waste Management Europe 2025: Interview with Gavin Sutcliffe

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano The Waste Management Europe Exhibition & Conference 2025 will take place in Bologna, from the ...

Why Trump wants Ukraine’s rare earths

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano "We cannot keep spending hundreds of billions to defend Ukraine without getting something in retur...

PFAS in Europe: the cost of contamination and the obstructionism of lobby groups

This article is part of our thematic channel The Water Observer. Click here to subscribe to our newsletter and receive exclusive contents from the world of water If PFAS restrictions are not enforc...

CONOU and the Circular Economy: A 40-year Story

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano CONOU has been collecting and regenerating used mineral oils in Italy for exactly forty years. Thr...

Uranium: Kazakhstan-Russia Axis Holds Europe in Check

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Whether one likes it or not, nuclear fission power plays a central role in the global decarboniSat...

Suriname and Guyana, when climate adaptation requires oil money

This article is also available in Italian / Qusto articolo è disponibile anche in italiano From Baku - Marciano Dasai is the environment minister of Suriname, a small Caribbean country ...

COP Troika increases fossil fuels production despite promises

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano At COP28 in Dubai, all delegations agreed on the phrase “transitioning away”, calling ...

COP29, carbon market standards approved (with no negotiations)

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano After a troubled launch, as countries scrambled to discuss a few of the trickier points of the neg...

COP29 presidency pushes climate funding and energy storage goals

Less than two months before the highly anticipated COP29 United Nations Climate Summit in Baku, on Tuesday, 17 September, the Azerbaijani presidency laid out its plan to enhance ambition and enable ...

Andrea Battaglia: ‘Open source accelerates ecological transition by reducing costs’

Open source technologies linked to sustainability are one of the main drivers for accelerating the digital and ecological transition. Ahead of the FIWARE Global Summit to be held in Naples on 18-19 ...

Early Warning Systems: Tackling New Glacial Dangers through Prevention

In the unpredictable mountains, there is no such thing as zero risk. We have always known this. But now, because of global warming, the dangers have grown more severe. This can be understood by look...

The alliance between Trump and the fossil fuel industry to win the US election

Mar-a-Lago Club, 11 April, 2024. The exclusive resort in Palm Beach, Florida, is hosting a very important fundraiser for Donald Trump.  The final rush of the election campaign requires money an...

What we know about the billion-dollar dispute between Kazakhstan and big oil

The Kashagan offshore oil field, located in the northeastern portion of the Caspian Sea, is at the center of a major legal dispute between Kazakhstan and some of the largest oil companies in the wor...

China adjusts climate targets to accelerate decarbonisation

China, the country with the biggest impact on climate, is changing the way it sets its climate targets. Beijing will gradually shift from an energy consumption reduction system that penalises renewa...

Electric cars, Europe reacts to Chinese subsidies with tariffs

More than nine months have passed since the investigation into China's subsidised electric car batteries, a month since Europe imposed provisional tariffs on Chinese carmakers, and weeks since offic...

Why Beryl is the earliest Atlantic hurricane ever (and will not stay an isolated case)

Increasingly earlier, more intense and devastating, atlantic hurricanes, fuelled by steadily rising ocean temperatures, are becoming ever more dangerous and unpredictable. So much so that some ...

Decarbonising steel: An interview with Andrew Purvis (World Steel Association)

Steel is one of the materials with the highest carbon footprint in the world. For every tonne produced, two tonnes ofCO2 are released into the atmosphere. This is a critical climate balance, but one...

Critical minerals, are volcanoes the mines of the future?

Soufrière Hills is a 1,467-metre volcano that dominates the Caribbean Island of Montserrat in the Lesser Antilles archipelago. Following a series of devastating eruptions between 1995 and 199...

Textile waste, the industry on alert: "Without aid, only incineration is left"

Unless adequate incentives and policies are put in place, companies that collect and sort used clothing risk collapse. This is the warning issued by EuRIC, the European association of recyclers...

Energise Europe: interview with Kadri Simson, EU Energy Commissioner

During her five years as Energy Commissioner in Brussels, Kadri Simson faced one of the most complex and decisive periods in European energy history. The feat of cutting off Russian gas supplies; fe...
