Circulating Capital

  These are the questions that for over a decade Jamie Butterworth has tried to answer. The former Ellen MacArthur Foundation CEO has become one of the founders and partners of Circularity C...

A Smart and Efficient Bioeconomy for Europe

The concept was initially developed by the wood sector. Here, the cascading principle is defined as: “A strategy for using raw materials or the products made from them in chronologically seque...

Bottom-up Funding

Funding the circular economy is not easy. Funding a start-up in the circular economy is complicated. Funding a start-up with a circular business model (product-as-a-service) becomes almost prohibiti...

We Have Ruined Three Quarters of the Biosphere

The panorama is so vast that it gave rise to three scientific magazines devoted to the Anthropocene (see the large research programmes on Global Change coordinated within the Future Earth Programme,...

The 4 Vital Elements of a Viable Circular Service Model

While the circular economy is gaining momentum all across the world, the urgency to develop and implement viable circular business models is crucial to its success. One business model that is very p...

Recycling Frontiers

The most virtuous experiences are not exclusive to the small municipalities of the North: just think of the 145 municipalities of Campania (about 10% of the national total) or about the 104 municipa...

A Winning Agreement

BBI JU is a public-private partnership between the EU and the Bio-Based Industries Consortium. It has funded as much as 65 projects in the past 3 years, playing therefore a fundamental role in enhan...

Eggs and Mines

The science of materials is generating strong pressure towards big changes of direction. One of the most recent ones seems destined to generate a conflict between calcium mines and eggs. Ivan Cornej...

It all Started in Helsinki

It might well have been the largest circular economy gathering to this day. We are talking about the first ever World Circular Economy Forum (WCEF), that took place in Helsinki, Finland, on 5-7 June...

Athens' Mistake

Excellent at exploring philosophy and art, Athens was not able to find the same balance in its relationship with nature. Twenty-five centuries later, can we really consider that lesson learnt? Can w...

This is How We Recycle Nappies

It is the first technology able to 100% recycle materials making up nappies and absorbent products. A plant built from scratch in Lovadina di Spresiano (Treviso), which transforms otherwise landfill...

Upcycle and the Atomic Bomb

  Elliptical, philosophical, rarely obscure and always enlightened with solid, simple concepts. Talking for more than an hour with one of the XXI century design guru is a revealing trip in e...

Thinking with Our Hands

Terms such as “biobased, sustainable, circular materials” are at long last starting to be part of the layman’s vocabulary. Indeed, characterizing an object by its material is a lev...

Throwaway Culture

Giuseppe Picone (Rome, 1926-2008), ceramic plate, Young Priests   Each of these themes deserve careful attention. First of all, the courage the Pope has shown in address...

The Planet We Will See

  In your latest book, The Great Transition, you discussed how we are starting our transition out of fossil fuel. Which technology you see trending right now and which have the highest hope ...

The Future Is in the Hands of Corporations

Pavan Sukhdev - Photo by Beatrice Törnros   How much are ecosystem services worth in monetary terms? How much are rain, oxygen, climate, biodiversity – s...

Capital is Natural

Graphic elaboration of Karl Marx (engraving), by Robert Diedrichs, 1970   Capital is still a term thought to be confined to the realm of economics and finance. However, ...

70% Recycling Can Be Achieved. Not Enough? I Would Be More than Happy

  Talking about separate collection while strolling early in the morning along Trastevere lanes with Daniele Fortini (born in Orbetello in 1955), CEO of AMA (Azienda Municipale Ambiente, Mun...

Natural Recall

  The Natural Recall is an international non-profit project. Officially opened in May 2014 within Michelangelo Pistoletto’s Third Paradise at Milan’s Superortopiù, it is n...

Championing the Circular Cause

  There has been an overwhelming interest in the circular economy, from industry to NGOs to member state officials – why do you think this is? I think it’s because many people, ...