The Renewable Future is Already Here

A Country aspiring to have a circulating car fleet no longer powered by fossil fuels by 2030. A national chemical industry that – by the same year – aims at becoming totally oil free. A ...

The Circular Economy: A Transformative Force for Climate Change

Previously published in Swiss ECS, NZZ-Verlagsbeilage, 18 September 2017 (   The circular economy offers transformative mitigation opportunities t...

The Building Revolutionary from Singapore

World GBC, acronym for Green Building Council, is one the leading global association whose goal is to make the building sector sustainable. Born in 1999 in California, with member organizations in o...

2012 Earthquake: The Emilia-Romagna Model

While an increasingly vehement debate is still ongoing over the failure to remove debris and rubble in the Municipalities of Central Italy hit by the quake a little over a year ago, a Region –...

Looking after Inerts

Some figures first of all. At the moment, in Italy, there are 7,123 kilometres of motorways, 24,241 kilometres of state roads, 154,948 kilometres of provincial roads and 1.3 million kilometres of co...

Circular Business Models for the Built Environment

Arup and Royal BAM have been recently exploring the benefits and business opportunities that Circular Business Models (CBMs) offer to stakeholders within the built environment sector. This research ...

Horses Prefer Rubber

From car wheels to horses’ hooves the step is shorter that you might think. To help close the gap is a project that thanks to an innovative use of recycled rubber from end-of-life tyres (ELTs)...

Fighting Starvation, Beyond Food

The issue of fighting starvation is still at the forefront, pushed by the quantitative rationale that caused the problem. We have often heard the old refrain that we need to produce more because pop...

Recycling is Better than Mining

Karmenu Vella, the European Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, has recently defined Umicore as “great example of a company that has completely reinvented itself to m...

Claim the Sky!

  The atmosphere is a community asset that belongs to all of us. The problem is that it is currently an open access resource – anyone can emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere with no ...

Circulating Ideas and Know-How

The story of the Landbell Group begins in 1995 with the advent of “take-back” policies: the set of measures that introduced the obligation for producers to recycle the packaging material...

Green Innovation Needs Patient Capital

    With no intention whatsoever to instigate legends on private companies, Pavan Sukhdev – interviewed in the last issue of this magazine – claims that the main driving fo...

Excellent Waste

Circular economy 2.0. This is how we could define the new phase of sustainable economy where the developments of the industrial supply chains generating waste are analysed, i.e. the processes that c...

Art that Walks in the World

This story was produced in partnership with FuturePerfect,   Daniel McCormick and Mary O’Brien have received plen...

Textile Mines in Search of An Author

Investing in recyclability planning strategies; increasing the volume of used clothing collection and used clothing resale and the volume of clothing manufactured using recycled fibres: this is GFA&...

Towards a Crackdown on Food Waste

“The problem at this point is that there is a problem.”  – Captain Obvious(1)   2012 stands as a turning point. The Zero Hunger Challenge launched by the Secretary-Gen...

Expo's Second Life

Curiously enough, Expo 2015 life cycle is not over yet. Obviously it no longer involves thousands of participants (countries, civil societies and partners) and millions of visitors, but “objec...

Stop Wasting Food!

Manifesto of the Green Economy on Agri-Food for Expo 2015 “Spreading Eco Innovation and Good Practices” Promoted by  Italian National Council for the Green Economy Documen...

Circularity Travels on Two Wheels

With a contribution by Luigi Bosio (Engineering Office Manager, Erica Soc. Coop.), Roberto Cavallo (CEO of Erica Soc. Coop.) and Andrea Pavan (Ride Green Project Manager for Eric Soc. Coop.)  ...

Unsustainability Trap

According to Ellen MacArthur Foundation, an economic system can be defined as circular when it is able to self-replenish stocks of human, technological, social and natural capital. This regenerative...