
Startup, Keep IT Cool: Solar-Powered Refrigeration Tackling Food Waste

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Nigerian startup Keep IT Cool (KIC) delivers sustainable refrigeration and smart distribution solu...

COP16 between biodiversity and food to reform the agribusiness sector

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano / This article is also available in Italian In recent years, the Conferences of the Parties on Biological Diversity (CBD) have seen intense an...

The circular economy of grapes

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano From grapes we naturally derive vinegar; it is the art of man that turns it into wine. But it is t...

Waste not, want not: turning food waste into fertile soil for sustainable growth

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano In Catalonia there are 7.7 million residents and approximately 7.9 million pigs. That’s over...

COP29, WAP: “Our food system is unfair and unsustainable”

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano The global food system is unsustainable and inequitable, relying heavily on meat production throug...

Sustainably nourishing the global population: the third challenge of the Ocean Decade

UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and the United Nations aim to reverse the cycle of decline affecting our seas by making the ocean healthy and resilient, safe, clean, productive, ...

Coffee from the Mountains to Revive Yemen's Economy

Extreme weather conditions, increasing temperatures, and decreasing rainfall are putting unprecedented stress on coffee plantations in Yemen. In the country's mountainous regions, where coffee crops...

Urban Food Policy can revolutionise food consumption. Interview with Peter Defranceschi

There is a world of meanings and connections behind two simple words like "food" and "city," spanning across cultures, economies, stories, and social interactions. In urban contexts, food is an elem...

European farmers’ protests show the need for a just transition to Net Zero

As many countries prepare to go to the polls in 2024, the need for a transition to Net Zero emissions has become a key political battleground. In Europe, the sustainability of farming practices is t...

Startup, solar energy against food waste with S4S Technologies

Much of India's rural population relies on small-scale farming for their income and livelihood. But each year about 30 percent of agricultural products are wasted before they leave the farms. ...

COP28, Declaration for sustainable agriculture and resilient food systems

A milestone in climate action, with the hope that global commitment swiftly translates into tangible measures: On Friday, December 1st, the COP28 Presidency announced the historic signing of a decla...

A circular food system can reverse the overshoot of planetary boundaries

* Álvaro Conde and Alex Colloricchio contributed to this article   A global transition towards a sustainable food system is long overdue, scientists agree: and although farming has lon...