Used Oils: CONOU's Winning Model

Approximately 40 years ago, CONOU – Italy’s National Consortium of Waste Oils – became the first to inaugurate an applied extended producer responsibility scheme to collect and reg...

Cobat Tessile, a Cross-cutting Approach to EPR

Cobat Tessile is an Italian voluntary association for the collection, treatment and recovery of end-of-life textile products. Established in 2022 by Cobat – the largest circular economy platfo...

Africa is Working on an Ultimate Producer Responsibility

When second-hand goods cross EU borders, the EPR fees associated with them are often retained by the exporting countries. This deprives importing countries of the ade quate financial support to hand...

Growing Responsible in Toyland

In the pink year of Barbie, talk of the environmental impact of toys is back on the table. Alongside the diatribes about the glossy feminist message of Greta Gerwig's film, the sales figures of the ...

EPR for automotive? Design Them Better!

After months of debate and heated discussions on fuels – diesel, petrol and e-fuel – something new is emerging in the automotive sector. “Better designs” is the indicati...

Startup: ShareWares Revolutionizes EPR Starting with Takeaway Cups

ShareWares is a pioneering company in the field of extended producer responsibility, which promotes the concept of shared property and facilitates the reuse and redistribution of products. The ...
