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Paper and Cardboard Become Smart

Packaging (just think of ancient urns) has long been made to contain, transport and, above all, store food. Or even to avoid food waste.  These days, in rich countries, the wide availability o...

How Cans Have Changed

Tracing the history of a can of our favourite beverage would be sufficient to realize how the world of packaging in the food sector has changed. Starting from the creation of a new product, from the...

Steel: A Safe of Nature

In the collective imagination, steel is the indestructible metal (an alloy to be more precise) par excellence. As a matter of fact, it is no accident that it belongs to those materials, such as glas...

Water Resilience

When playing chess, thinking about the next move is not enough, it is necessary to look at least four or five moves ahead. It also means preventing the most improbable occurrences; creating a resili...

A Compass against Misinformation

Climalteranti carries through valuable work since the battle to curb global warming is far from over, quite the opposite. It is essential to do our utmost to guarantee a “limited” or &ld...

Science in the Trenches

We can start by describing some anecdotes. The researcher of Chinese or Japanese descent that before her speech, with her thumb and middle finger of both hands tries to open up her eyes to look trul...

Diving into Circularity

The sea is obviously connected to circularity because it is an essential element of certain fundamental cycles, from that of water to that of coal. However, this is a technical aspect which recalls ...

The Doughnut Age

  The greatest challenge for humanity in the 21st century is fulfilling all humanity’s needs, within the planetary boundaries. How can we ensure everybody the pursuit of happiness, end...

Creating a Network

In the future economy, waste will be used to create materials, knowledge will be distributive and shared, jobs and manufacturing processes will be green and communication will keep on having a cruc...

A Treasure at the Bottom of the Sea

Outstanding network-creating research, no large industrial groups, great raw material availability, a highly-developed ocean sector and a government that has placed economy decarbonisation at the he...

When Small is Better

We eat fish at least once a week. We buy it mainly from the supermarket and we are willing to pay more providing it is from the Mediterranean, fished with sustainable methods and respecting the envi...

Twelve and Growing

The G7 ministerial summit on the environment – hosted in Bologna last June – was an opportunity to take off-schedule stock on the many themes that should be at the forefront of governmen...

A Sea of Opportunity

The context was symbolic, the island of Malta rightfully sitting in the middle of the Mediterrean basin, between the Southernmost European countries and Northern Africa. An ideal communication stepp...

Ocean SOS

Five days of talks to reach shared initiatives and commitments to stop the decline of the oceans, preserving them from threats and the serious environmental state they are in. This is, in short, the...

Circular Agriculture

  edited by Institut de l’économie circulaire, Parigi   21st century agricultural and agri-food systems are facing unprecedent...

Organic'Vall�e: A Local, Circular Agri-Business

  edited by Institut de l’économie circulaire, Paris   Organic’Vallée was officially created as a cooperative of ...

Infrastructure: The Missing Link to Close the Loop on Textiles

A systemic transition is necessary for the textile industry to reclaim the human, economic, and environmental value lost in today’s linear system. Brands, retailers, innovators, and government...

Quality Second-Hand Goods

To innovate in order to achieve even higher performing products, without added costs for clients and enhancing the environmental value of the finished product. With such objectives, Viscolube &ndash...

Fair Smartphones

Can we build a smartphone that is made to last, without having to choose between quality and production-chain ethics? There is no doubt in the Dutch Fairphone offices: the answer is yes. For a numbe...

The Advent of Offsite Construction

There is a new and visionary way to conceive buildings bubbling up in Europe. Enough with costly and complex construction sites, managed with 20th century modalities and knowledge. The construction ...