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New Scenarios

– from our partners –   The current financial crisis has inevitably impeached the old mode of economic thought. On the one hand, the failures of the market mechanisms bo...

Biomass: Balance is the Secret

An ideal circular economy is one that, beyond circulating as much as possible materials in the community before giving them back to nature, gives them back paying attention to replenish natural stoc...

Brussels' Battle for Efficiency

The European Parliament is doing its best to have an active role during the coordination meetings. It has managed to send out an important signal inviting other members to take concrete actions agai...

Water: A Contended Resource

“Water, water, everywhere, / And all the boards did shrink; / Water, water, everywhere, / Nor any drop to drink”. Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote these lines at the end of the eighteenth c...

Micro and Macro

Let us start with Mother!, the new film from visionary director Darren Aronofsky (Black Swan, Noah) with Jennifer Lawrence, Javier Bardem, Michelle Pfeiffer and Ed Harris. Undoubtedly, an imperfect ...

Buildings: The Circular Economy's Challenge

This article is featured in Issue #16 (Summer 2015) of Revolve Magazine on pages 68-73,   Brussels is known for making its buildings more &ldqu...

Finance and the Circular Economy Flirting

Last February, Eric Solheim, the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme whom I interviewed for Repubblica, outlined a rather positive picture of the current state of affairs....

Critical Mineral Resources for Renewable Energies in Germany

Contribution to Ecoscienza 6/2014.   Challenge The German Federal Government’s energy concept ascribes renewable energies the role of an “important pillar of future energy supply...

How to Turn an Old Sofa into Biofuel

Old furniture, sofas, nappies and bar receipts are solid urban waste. Globally, according to a World Bank report carried out in 2012, we produce 1.3 billion tonnes of it every year. Only 34% is recy...

From Coal to Biomass

The strong presence of the chemical industry (the sixth European country by turnover, according to CEFIC, the European Chemical Industry Council, and first in the world on a per capita basis), with ...

The Soil's Perspective

“On a global scale, our analysis systems show that farmland expansion has reached a point of no return”, these are the words used by Johan Rockström in the interview published in is...

Biobased in the Spotlights

The biobased economy is growing at a steady pace. It represents a large share of the overall European GDP, with €2 trillion in annual turnover, employing over 22 million people. While the growt...

Trumping the Environment

In its latest “Emissions Gap” report, the UN Environment Programme found that 20 countries – including the United States, Japan, and Australia – are failing to meet their red...

Cardboard Beats Decay

It is one of the areas with the highest population density in Italy. It is an old town centre. It is in Southern Italy, but recycling is working. We are talking about Rione Sanità in the cent...

If the Wolves of Wall Street Become Lambs

Turning the “wolves of Wall Street” – oblivious to any good cause – into lambs at the “planet’s sickbed:” a strenuous, nearly contrived, undertaking. And ye...

500 materials under the lens

When we talk about products, and thus about materials, renewability must be thought as a material’s ability to regenerate in time (months or years) to be again available for the system. With ...

An Opportunity to Rethink the Role of Foundations

  “The circular economy can become an opportunity to systematise and restore meaning to many actions that the former banking foundation system in Italy carries out to catalyse and re-c...

Bioeconomy: The Virtuous Cooperation between National Cluster and Regions

A national platform to promote a model of circular economy focussed on innovative, integrated and multisector value-chains: this is how the Italian National Technological Cluster of Green Chemistry ...

Sustainability is Worth More

$22.890.000.000.000. Almost $23 trillion’s worth of banknotes. That’s the value of sustainable investments, as it’s been recorded at the end of 2016, the latest year for which we h...

Green Economy: Exporting Italian Know-How

There is an “Italian way” towards Green Economy that’s establishing in global markets. Ecomondo, the event organised by Rimini Fiera, that reaced the 19th edition, is a model able ...