Issue #34


2020 Biofuels Issue

Transport is a top priority for decarbonisation strategies. But the transition to electric transport is not enough: alternative fuels, especially biofuels and hydrogen, will play a key role in the next decade. Alexandru Floristean of Hydrogen Europe and Elisabetta Tola write about it, among others, in a dense number of inquiries and interviews on the future of the transport system.



Going Full Throttle with Biofuels
Emanuele Bompan

H2 Future
Alexandru Floristean


From Corn to Microalgae, Latest-Generation Biofuels
Cristina Bellon. Interview with Matteo Maestri

Refining Waste to Produce Sustainable Fuels
Mario Bonaccorso. Interview with Minna Aila


NextChem, Circular Revolution of Biofuels
Emanuele Bompan

An Ambitious Plan Not to Stand Still
Elisabetta Tola

Brazil: The Hard Challenge of Second Generation Ethanol
Daniele Lettig

Perspectives and Criticalities of CO2 Capture Techniques
Ivonne Carpinelli

The Pros and Cons of Reducing Transport Emissions Using LNG
Rudi Bressa

Renewable Energy: Green Hydrogen’s Golden Moment
Maurizio Bongioanni

Hydrogen from Microorganism: Helping the Decarbonisation Process
Ivan Manzo

Everything Made from Fossil-Based Materials Today Can Be Made from a Tree Tomorrow
Mario Bonaccorso

Lumber at Forefront of the Italian Circular Bioeconomy
Mario Bonaccorso. Interview with Luigi Iavarone

The Virtuous Cycle of Biomethane
Massimo Centemero

Big Data to Save Aviation Fuel
Emanuele Bompan

The (Explosive) Evolution of Agriculture Services
Sergio Ferraris

Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Handerek Technologies: Fuel from Low-Grade Plastics
Calysta: The Feed of the Future Is Methane-Based
AquaGreen: Fertilisers and Thermal Energy from Wastewater
Bio-bean: Giving New Life to Coffee Grounds


Biofuels Face the Challenge of the European
Francesco Petrucci
