Issue #33


2020 Food Issue

The food system needs a circular revolution to become more sustainable. In this issue, produced in collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo, we interview international experts such as Tim Lang, Jocelyn Bleriòt and Carlo Petrini. Moreover, an in-depth study on the EU Farm to Fork strategy and surveys on packaging in the food sector.



The Circular Economy for Food: Value Connections Amongst Food, Humankind, and the Planet
Emanuele Bompan, Franco Fassio

An International Day to Raise Awareness on Food Waste
Rosa S. Rolle


The Future of the Circular Economy for Food
Emanuele Bompan. Interview with Carlo Petrini and Franco Fassio

Rethinking Urban and Peri-Urban Areas as Production Centres
Antonella Ilaria Totaro. Interview with Jocelyn Blériot

The Geopolitics of the Food System
Emanuele Bompan. Interview with Tim Lang

When Plants Harm the Planet
Daniele Di Stefano

Agroecology in Europe: Principles, Policy and Practices
Paola Migliorini, Alexander Wezel

Farm to Fork: From European Fields to the World’s Tables
Cinzia Scaffidi

In Search of Carbon-Neutral Farming
Rudi Bressa

Bio-based Agriculture is the Future
Mario Bonaccorso

Cities: A Laboratory for the Circular Economy of Food
Andrea Calori, Francesca Federici

A Turning Point in the Recovery of the Hospitality Sector
Mattia Battagion

Packaging-Free Stores for a Zero-Waste Design
Chris Lijzenga

Responsible Innovation in Food Packaging Design
Clara Giardina, Flaviano Celaschi

Enough Is Enough. Over-packaging in the Food Sector
Giorgia Marino

Planning Relations to Implement the Circular Transition
Emanuela Vedovati

Zootechnics Has Always Been Circular
Andrea Bertaglio

Goodbye Plastic: Misura Packaging Is Now Compostable
Daniele Lettig

Filiera Futura”: An Organisation to Drive Innovation in the Agri-Food Sector
Daniele Lettig

Plates, Containers, Doggy Bags: Aluminium Is the Enemy of Waste
Giorgia Marino

Metal Food Packaging in Pole Position During the Coronavirus Crisis
Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Second Life… is Circular!
Cristina Bellon

Antonella Ilaria Totaro

Loliware: Straws Made to Disappear
AeroFarms, Precision Vertical Farming Focuses on Nutrients
ResQ Club, the App against Food Waste Uniting Users and Restaurateurs
FarmInsect: Automated Insect Production from Organic Waste


Horizon 2020 in Service of “Sustainable” Food
Francesco Petrucci
