Sergio Ferraris

Sergio Ferraris, director of QualEnergia and Nextville.

Between work automation and ecological transition, data on the future of green jobs

New economy, new jobs. This is the equation that has been in vogue ever since Henry Ford produced the first mass-produced car on an assembly line in Detroit in 1908, a car that sold over 15 million ...

RE Soil Foundation. Under our Feet, our Wealth

Re Soil Foundation kicks off, its objectives include transforming into a valuable asset the reintroduction of carbon into the soil. It is all about paying attention to the soil. A hardly renewable r...

Circular Seating

Supporting your favourite team with an eye to sustainability and recycling. This has now become a reality for the fans of US Pontedera, a team that plays in Lega Pro, the third tier of Italian footb...

Biopolymers: In the Right Place

Plastic. An essential material that for decades has been managed inadequately. An unsustainable cycle from the cradle to the grave. The lack of circularity is disastrous with results speaking for th...

Keeping CO2 Underground. Naturally

Two pieces of news – and not just one as the media have chosen to focus on – emerged from the latest IPCC report published last October. Indeed, everybody concentrated on the 1.5 °C ...

Is the Circular Economy an Employment Driver?

Eight hundred million by 2030. This is not a new climate or energy target set by the international community, but the number of jobs that are expected to be lost by then. This labour squeeze will be...

We Are Resilience

What are you doing at the moment as a resilience facility? “Today we are mapping the city’s current and future risks, both in terms of shock and stress. Those classifiable as stress eve...

Ecodesign for Aluminium

Thinking circular. It sounds easy but, when dealing with industrial processes, the approach of having a common thread linking products from the cradle to the grave, and considering end-of-life recyc...

Plastic Europe

  What is the role of plastics today? “If they did not exist, modern society would have to invent them to ensure a sustainable future. The reason plastics are the go to material in so...

Use-by Date Product

Markets seek value, just like consumers. The problem is that different types of value are brought into opposition. For markets it is about economic value, whereas for consumers of a good it is about...

A Textbook Case

Analysing internal industrial processes and finding the keys to make them sustainable. This is one of the most interesting and hardest challenges of the circular economy because if sustainability do...

Symbiosis & Innovation

Industrial symbiosis. A concept that can be either narrowed to the known role, at industrial level, of partnership, or developed into a 360-degree view. In the case of the circular economy, grafted ...

Children Will Invent a Green Future

  Gunter Pauli, an entrepreneur, economist, ecologist, Blue economy inventor and one of the promoters of the Kyoto Protocol, is very critical of COP21 in Paris: he has solutions devised over...

A Question of Fibre

Not all fibres were made equal. With regard to paper, we are used to “noble” wood-derived cellulose, that a few decades ago came from virgin sources, but over the last few years has been...

Paper: Sustainability Enters the Production Cycle

Sustainable processes. It is not just a question of matter and energy, but often of methods and processes as well. This is a new approach taking hold in the management of industrial activities and o...

When Luxury Goes Hand in Hand with Sustainability

Upcycling upon upcycling. This is how we could define the new upcycling experience carried out by Favini based on the use of wine pomace after the distillation process for the production of paper: t...

DeVine Land

Comieco has launched a challenge to promote a product and a territory through sustainable packaging. What makes this endeavor even more interesting is the fact that the territory in question is a UN...

Pulses are Circular

It is a fact that the circular economy is in search of a clear definition. This process will hardly stop at the aspect, albeit crucial, of matter recovery, by restoring a role and function to materi...

Follow that Waste!

It’s easy to talk about the circular economy. The moment waste is recycled, we start talking about the circular economy. Such statement, to be fair, can be defined as superficial. The apparent...

Connett: Creative Communities to Win the Waste Challenge

  Paul Connett is considered the “father” of the Zero Waste Strategy, which regrettably often has become a slogan with no real meaning. We asked him to tell us what the state of ...
