Pietro Jarre

Pietro Jarre, an engineering graduate and PhD, has been an executive of global professional companies specialising in large industry impact. After building the eMemory and eLegacy platforms for digital memories and legacies, he devoted himself to studying the environmental, social and economic impact of digital technologies with the Sloweb Association and at the Polytechnic of Turin. He is the editor of several texts, including Manuale di InformEtica (2022), Elementi di etica digitale. Opportunities, impacts and risks of technologies (2024), and Sloweb Conversazioni per un digitale sostenibile, Guerini Next 2024.

Ethics for a clean, good and fair digital environment: Sloweb

This article is also available in Italian / Questo articolo è disponibile anche in italiano Much of what we read in the digital media concerns Artificial Intelligence, the relationship betwe...
