Giorgio Kaldor

As environmental journalist, Giorgio Kaldor focuses on water resources and the social impacts of ecological transition.

Water Resilience Initiative, institutional letter against the EU Commission's suspension

After being postponed in February, the European Commission has suspended the Water Resilience Initiative. Its submission has, in fact, been withdrawn from the agenda of the upcoming College of Commi...

Are the ESG Ratings Working?

Raise your hand if you have never heard of ESG ratings. At least since the introduction of environmental, social and governance factors into corporate financial analysis was popularized in 2006 by t...

EU, green light for the Nature Restoration Law and the Environmental Crime Directive

Action and deterrence, in one fell swoop. On the same day, February 27, 2024, the European Parliament passed two distinct historical measures for nature restoration and combating environmental ...

Carbonsink, Climate Action Starts with Forests

The fight against anthropogenic climate change can no longer be postponed. How, however, can businesses address that transition period required to move beyond a fossil fuel-based economy and achieve...

World Wetlands Day, the forgotten link to human well-being

The 2nd of February marks World Wetlands Day, in other words, lagoons, bogs, ponds, and lakes. Cradles of often endangered biodiversity covering only 6% of the Earth's surface, and yet these ecosyst...

Circular economy, rethinking the built environment in the digital age

The list of digital innovations that can be applied to the construction sector, one of the most impactful on the environment, is long and varied. Digital twins, artificial intelligence, materials pa...

COP28 has established the Loss and Damage Fund

A few hours into the start of COP28 – albeit 30 years since small island states began advocating for its creation – the Loss and Damage Fund has been established and will be operational ...

CIAL, Circular Responsibility for Aluminium

Indestructible, easy to collect and fully recyclable. Aluminium can be reused indefinitely and is suitable for multiple purposes such as mobility, construction, and food&beverage. Characteristic...

Enel’s Circularity Strategy: ecodesign, reuse, recovery

Measure their own circularity and double it by 2030 by taking action through ecodesign, reuse, life extension, and asset and material recovery. These are the goals of Enel Group, which during t...

Extended Producer Responsibility is Becoming Increasingly Extended

Waste management in Europe, especially when an EPR scheme is involved, is anything but a homogeneous affair. Under the umbrella of EU legislation, over the years member states have found flexible, d...

Kenya kicks off the first Africa Climate Summit

The first Africa Climate Summit kicks off on September 4. Summoned by the African Union and hosted by the Republic of Kenya in the capital, Nairobi, the summit aims to bring the continent's diplomat...

G20 India, the start of an industrial coalition for circular economy

Technological cooperation, partnership, and finance to enhance the impact and scale-up of initiatives on the matter of circular economy. These are the three pillars guiding the Resource Efficie...

A carbon tax on luxury consumption? More equity, less CO2

Taxes on “luxury” goods and services could result in more equity and less CO2. According to a study published at the end of June in the academic journal One Earth, a carbon tax on domest...

Climate: US announces historic investment in resilience

Climate change is here and now. And taking action means investing in resilience. That is the summary of the statement issued by the White House on June 19th and a harbinger of new endowments. In the...

From vision to reality: here is Ireland’s circular transition

Put public policies into practice, involve citizens, innovate but with responsibility. From the Circular Economy Hotspot 2023 in Dublin, held from 29 May to 1 June, comes a strong and clear message:...

UN Water Conference: Towards a Global Water Agenda?

The 22nd of March marks World Water Day, and this year the focus will be on accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. On the same day, in New York, the United Nations will kick o...

Even Italians’ savings are boosting the circular transition

The Italian Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), as other national promotional institutions, is a driver of sustainable growth and the circular transition in a way that is “additional and complementar...

Extractivism: Sooner or Later, Everything Becomes Critical

The process of decarbonisation and electrification of the economy requires increasing quantities of metals and minerals. Some of these, due to their economic importance and the risks linked to their...

Low-tech Economy is Needed to Overcome Scarcity

Are there enough resources and raw materials to meet the ecological transition? Does innovation and technological development help or can they be a hindrance? Are there alternatives to high-tech? Re...

Ecodesign for sustainable products: what will change for consumers and businesses?

In March 2022, the European Commission published proposals to extend the scope of eco-design regulations to all physical products on the EU market. The new regulations will – most likely – touch...