Giorgia Marino

Giorgia Marino – Managing editor of Materia Rinnovabile | Renewable Matter. She has been the editor-in-chief of and a contributor to various magazines, including the Italian edition of The Huffington Post and the national newspaper La Stampa. In recent years she realized some multimedia reportage projects financed by European journalistic grants, in particular in Haiti (sustainable reconstruction) and Nepal (climate change). She is among the authors of Prime. Dieci scienziate per l'ambiente ("First: ten female scientists for the environment", Codice Edizioni 2023).

Superworms like styrofoam, and that's great news for plastic recycling

The gastronomic preferences of a beetle larvae open new avenues for the circular economy of plastics. From Australia has come news that the larvae of the Zophobas morio beetle, also known as superwo...

50 years of Environment

World Environment Day is turning 50 years old. It was established by the United Nations on June 5th, 1972, at the first Conference on the Human Environment, which opened at that time in Stockholm. T...

Tomra at the plastics challenge

Optimizing the use of resources by recovering, enhancing, reusing and recycling them. This has been the mission of Tomra, the Norwegian giant of the circular economy with offices and branches all ov...

Does the Devil Wear Rentals?

The rental of clothes is one of the circular business models that could make the fashion industry more sustainable. However, a Finnish study aimed at calculating the carbon footprint of the practice...

Circular economy and digital passport for batteries: Battery Pass launched in Germany

At the intersection of the energy transition and the sustainable products revolution, the battery supply chain is one of the strategic hubs of the green revolution in the economy. Its more sustainab...

Sustainable packaging: Walmart launches the Circular Connector

"We don't have time to waste." With this imperative tagline, American retail giant Walmart launched its Circular Connector last April 11th. The goal: to accelerate innovation in the field of sustai...

IPCC: climate action works, we can halve emissions by 2030

It’s not too late. Reaching the goals of the Paris Agreement and limiting global warming to 1.5°C by the end of the century is still possible. Provided, however, that we act now, mobilize every s...

The Sustainable Products Revolution: the New European Commission Proposal

Ecodesign, circular textiles, regulations for construction products, greenwashing, and consumer power. These are the main points addressed in the new set of proposals presented on the 30th of March ...

Climate, war, transition: from IPCC to Fridays For Future, the climatologist Caserini's perspective

Climate is back in the news. Under the motto “People Not Profit”, the folks at Fridays For Future have called on March 25th the first real global strike (almost) post-pandemic. This time, howeve...

Six actions everyone can take to fight the climate crisis

It's time to take responsibility for the climate. This line may sound ominous, but it is actually good news. If in fact, as individuals, it's easy to feel powerless and surrender to fatalism in the ...

Stakeholder Conference 2022: the European circular economy under the mark of a double emergency

Talking about circular economy has never been more pressing. If the conflict in Ukraine and the international crisis seem to have put the climate and environmental emergencies of the planet on the b...

Terra Next: an Innovation Accelerator in Napoli for the Italian Bioeconomy

The Italian bioeconomy restarts from the South. The new Terra Next accelerator for start-ups has been launched in Napoli and will become an innovation hub for the entire sector. Promoted by Intesa S...

Let’s! Ideas for a circular economy of toys

How short is the life of a toy? From The Steadfast Tin Soldier to Toy Story, many storytellers have sung the tale of the ephemeral, however shiny, existence of dolls, puppets and spaceships. From ki...

Circularity Gap Report 2022: only 8.6% of the global economy is circular

Five hundred billion tons. That's the amount of resources consumed globally over the past six years, between COP21 in Paris in 2015 and COP26 in Glasgow. The sum was calculated by the think-tank Cir...

Europe: a crackdown on waste exports is on the way

“Our waste is our responsibility. Letting waste pollute the environment, end up in illegal dumpsites or in our oceans is a real loss of resources, which are precious for the EU’s transition to a...

Climate: will plastic be the new coal?

“If plastic were a country, it would be the world’s fifth largest greenhouse gas emitter." Thus begins Judith Enck, president of the American NGO Beyond Plastics, in presenting a report with exp...

Plastic waste from Covid-19: over 8 million tons generated worldwide

The fight against single-use plastic consumption has never been harder than in the past two years. With the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the (human) world's hunger for plastic has transformed fr...

Reusable packaging: the Loop system conquers supermarkets all over the world

The Loop system is a great idea, and it was clear from the start. Large retailers are finally starting to understand it now. The platform for reusable packaging invented by Tom Szaky, CEO of the Am...

The Slum Economy: an alliance between circular and informal

According to the United Nations, today, over a billion and a half people live in informal settlements and by 2030 that figure could soar to 3 billion. So, the issue of future circular cities is inex...

Sustainability in two dimensions: it’s time for graphene and 2D materials

The future may be two-dimensional. At least, the future of materials. Since 2004, when the two Russian physicists Gejm and Novosëlov succeeded in isolating the first monoatomic layer of graphene, ...